Here is the US Patent office application for a Vinegar and lemon juice
version of Round up, with field trials. The percentages required are listed

----- Original Message -----
From: "Lloyd Charles" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Saturday, June 15, 2002 11:38 PM
Subject: Re: RoundUp

> ----- Original Message -----
> > Greetings all,
> > I have to say I am a little alarmed by the recent discussions about
> Roundup
> Micah - why be alarmed? The widespread use of roundup in agriculture is a
> fact of life that we all need to know about - The tactics that the
> multinationals and their friends in ag research use to promote it we
> also know about
> > am I understanding correctly that Roundup is used by some on this list?
> Yes! I use the stuff. I was under the impression that farmers in the
> of converting were welcome on this list along with the pure and anointed!
> will enjoy my life a
> whole lot more when I am free of the shackles of chemical agriculture! In
> the meantime I do what I think is the best I can to make a dollar and
> progress to better things. If you think I am promoting the use of
> then re read my posts  'cause I sure dont mean to!
> >  Some of the posts seem to defend it a bit, unless I am confused here.
> I dont see this in any of the posts I have read!
> Micah -your last post worries me "I would rather touch lots of nasty
> things than man - made poisons like roundup."   Its not difficult to get
> seriously ill or wind up dead from nasty natural things - particularly
> smoke inhalation. Something that list members should all remember when
> making weed peppers! Nasty is nasty regardless of whether or not its
> natural.
> Cheers all
> Lloyd Charles

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