Below comes from Steiner's Agriculture Lectures; and yes I had to loosely translate from my French book...,
Here I refer to stirring preps:
Steiner explains how 'Enthusiasm brings forth therapeutic effect".  In German it comes from "Enthusiasmus and Begeisterung".  How then to decide what is appropriate 'enthusiasms?. He adds that although enthusiasm weighs nothings it has vibrations and that enthusiastic people can even have spiritual vibrations.   He also tells us that 'homogeneity must be attained' (What I understand is that organic content must be rendered colloidal...).  Then he talks about Ritter medications and some experiments that I don't know about...?
Then, personally, I was taught to use a wooden ( I think it was willow) stick, hand chosen, to stir rain water in a wooden barrel.  To stir with good intent!  I don't remember any particular length, although, some preps needed to be sprayed early morning, so stirring was often the first thing I did after breakfast.  I wonder about acid rain used as rain water?  Oh well...
----- Original Message -----
From: Hugh Lovel
Sent: July 21, 2002 6:21 PM
Subject: Re: BD 501 (5x)

Dear Allan,

This is SO right. Stir as appropriate, not as told by rote formula. For
years I have dowsed for how long to stir 500, 501, etc. and come up with
times like 45 minutes, 43 minutes, whatever.

Let's not forget Greg Willis's rigid 60 minute rule. He believed that, and
it was doubtless true for him even though he did the best job of creating
vortices in a barrel I've ever seen. But according to the best I can tell
we can get high end results with less stirring of fewer "perfect" vortices,
which is not to say we will match Greg--who claims he is going to sue me
for "stealing" his horn clay. He's still a genius and a good praticioner.
But in some areas Greg may be or rather probably is all wet.

One of the variables we are working with is our thoughts influence our
experiments. So do Greg's. Greg meditates every morning for at least 30
minutes so he really focuses his thinking. Probably that influences his
results more strongly. More of us should do that.

In any event, I simply dowse for the appropriate potentization time. If for
a homeopathic, like this one we're talking about, my pendulum indicates 15
minutes, that's it. If it comes up 5 minutes that's it.

The essence of control is to use the EXACT amount of force that is
neccessary, no more and no less. Aren't we seeking control? We should think
about that. Don't we want to be more exact?

Hugh Lovel

>actually, I did ask Merlin. My impression was that he said that the
>20minute stir listed on the pre-potentized stuff was only there to
>make people who equate time with mass feel more comfortable with the
>pre-potentized stuff. In actuality, as in any step in potentization,
>it just needs a 2 minute stir.

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