Dr Nichoaus Remer, when he was the consultant for the Northern Group in the
late 1960's worked on this issue. I was present at some of the taste tests
on carrots that were sprayed with various potencies of 501. all the taste
pannel were unanamous that the seventh was the best. This might vary with
different tintures, time and places so why not try it out for yourselves.
----- Original Message -----
From: "Lloyd Charles" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Monday, July 22, 2002 2:48 PM
Subject: Re: BD 501 (5x)

> ----- Original Message -----
> From: Allan Bballiett <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Sent: Sunday, July 21, 2002 10:13 PM
> Subject: BD 501 (5x)
> > Anyone know what this means on a JPI label?
> >
> > How do you use it?
> >
> > -Allan
> Allan I believe its been potentised to 5x cause they ran out of the real
> stuff (happens occasionally) - seems this is ok if you belong to the
> official annointed movement but frowned upon if you want to do it outside
> the system (like in a cosmic pipe or spraying all the preps potentised) It
> should work at least as well as the original (Kolisko's work supports
> and is a fair bet that its been prepared so the material you have is used
> per normal practice.
> Better check it out with JPI tho.
> Cheers
> Stirrer from downunder
> LCharles
> >
> >

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