I'm in the process of trying to have good vibrations most of the time because of
a book that was recommended to meÖExcuse Me, Your Life is Waiting by Lyn
Grabhorn.  Her thesis is that you can only turn things around by maintaining
strong positive FEELINGS, even in the face of all kinds of things happening that
you don't want or when you want something which is seemingly impossible; that
attacking these "don't want" issues just makes them worse and longing for
something comes out of a "don't want" mentality too.  These feelings can draw to
you the same negative vibrations from other people on the same and different
issues.  I just started this and it is working, but I just had my first setback.

Tonight around midnight I woke up with the most caustic fear around the issue of
the fairbooth that I'm working on for the county fair.  The generator was
running and I went outside and turned it off and took some of my St. Johnswort
tincture and ate some cottage cheese.  I'm feeling better.

The unreasoning fear is alienating people and being ostracized for critizing the
present administration's ties to Monsanto and patenting of life.  I bought a
video at the Global JAS conference which shows the implications--It starts out
with pictures of bubbling hot springs at Yellowstone and saying that the
microscopic creatures that live in the hot springs were going to be patented
until there was an outcry.  It goes through the issues of the utility patent and
seed breeding, through the patenting of indigenous people's medicines that have
been developed over 100s of years and the patenting of cell lines from
indigenous people's DNA.

The theme of the fair is "Star spangled memories uniting Bonner County," which I
take to imply a patriotic war theme which I am not in sympathy with at all.  The
"united we stand" mentality is strong here and sometimes it gets to me,
especially when some of my fellow organic growers are so much into silence on
these issues and won't work in my booth.  It's hard to maintain my positive
feelings and as tonightÖI wake up with a powerful, negative feeling that I have
to turn around.  Butting heads with people of like mind gets to me a lot more
than butting heads with someone who is my exact opposite.

I knew that trying always to keep good vibrations would be hard, but when you
backslide after a period of focusing on being positive, it is scary.

Has anyone had experience with trying to maining continuous positive
vibrations?  How has it worked for you?  For years I have been just facing pain,
sadness, anger head-on and working through them, but such honesty makes it hard
on your spouse and can put you at odds with other people too.  Trying always to
keep good vibrations is a very different way of being, but I think it does draw
people to you.  The idea of manifesting what you want with good feelings is
brand new to me.  I gave up praying for anything personal that I wanted long ago
and instead just worked for what I wanted.  That makes me a nag, and I'm always
trying to accomplish some project.  Is it better to stiffle negative feelings,
let a lot of things just go by and always try to feel appreciation for
everything?   The two philosophies are at odds.  I find it hard to relax when
there is so much work that needs to be done.  Is this the half-full, half-empty
conundrum or is this a change of emphasis from accomplishing things by doing to
accomplishing things simply by feeling good and staying plugged in to your

I think this question applies to what is happening in the world today that we
are all thinking about all the time...how DO you turn it aroundóby having
fairbooths about it in enemy territory or simply by having strong good feelings
about how you would like things to be and enjoying life?



> It seems the only way around the future is through it...on our terms.
> Possible alternatives would be groups of likeminded folks forming communities
> around their farms and siezing control of their destiny, water, and
> environmental policy...seems like this needs to become a more serious
> discussion...SStorch

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