I did my usual routine this morning, fed the cows and went to the coffee shop 
at the edge of the farm [how convenient].  I got my cuppa and sat in my 
''spot" in the corner by the window.  It was still early and the Sunday 
papers were still being assembled.  I don't like to read the paper, so I just 
through over a casual glance and something on the most important slot on the 
cover of the NY Times caught  my eye.  A color photo of some farm fields  and 
the headline "In the Race to Tap Euphrates, the Upper Hand is Upstream" got 
my attention.   As I read about the area that is the fertile crescent, the 
birthplace of modern agriculture that occurred 5000 years ago, it struck me 
as ironic that history is repeating itself in this way, in these times.  It 
was after all the embattlement over water that ended the incredible reign of 
prosperity that this region enjoyed.  So many millenia later the scenario 
repeats, the names of the countries are different and the weapions will be 
different but what is at stake is basically the same.  Add technology with 
greed and ambition and the three or four nations on this river want to pump 
50- 60 billion gallons of water from a river that flows about 35 billion 
gallons.  Doesn't add up.  This is a crisis and a cenario playing out all 
over the world.  Right here on Long Island, a small island in the Peconic 
Bay, Shelter Island, has run out of water.  People have to go to the high 
school and shower by water that is trucked onto the island, restaurants are 
closed.  Nobody seems upset by this, not yet.  So, in my head I connect all 
these events, water, war, pollution, Israel, Hussein, Bush.   I still think 
that people are going to die.  Lots of people.  I do not want them to, but 
the reality is they will die.  They are dying of starvation, they are dying 
of thirst, dying of AIDS, and dying of cancer.  We are dying at the hands of 
fellow man.  We will fight eachother for the last drop of water.  It could be 
the way the war of all against all is going to start.  So my statement the 
other day to bring on the other phase of the war still stands.  I feel 
strongly that we must move on.  Of course innocent people will die, but they 
suffer so that we may live a cushy life in the USA.  Heck, I spend more on 
gas for my truck than they spend on food for their family.  It is too bad.  
It is not right.  Even in the way I consciously choose to live and make the 
healing of the Earth and people my priority I cannot help but feel that the 
lives that are going to be sacrificed in the near future will help clear the 
ether and usher in a new age of peace and the Christed Consciousness and 
prosperity, such that the Earth will shine like a bright star out into the 
cosmos and the people of the earth will vibrate to a higher vibration in the 
fourth dimension of planet Earth.  Something is coming down the pike, I hope 
we can handle what it is ''we'' have been called upon to do...SStorch

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