I think you are in the wrong job, anyone who can use Christ Consciousness to
justify war should be working for G.W. Bush, I suggest you check what they
are putting in your coffee.
David C

----- Original Message -----
Sent: Monday, 26 August 2002 8:32 AM
Subject: water, war, present times, the future

> I did my usual routine this morning, fed the cows and went to the coffee
> at the edge of the farm [how convenient].  I got my cuppa and sat in my
> ''spot" in the corner by the window.  It was still early and the Sunday
> papers were still being assembled.  I don't like to read the paper, so I
> through over a casual glance and something on the most important slot on
> cover of the NY Times caught  my eye.  A color photo of some farm fields
> the headline "In the Race to Tap Euphrates, the Upper Hand is Upstream"
> my attention.   As I read about the area that is the fertile crescent, the
> birthplace of modern agriculture that occurred 5000 years ago, it struck
> as ironic that history is repeating itself in this way, in these times.
> was after all the embattlement over water that ended the incredible reign
> prosperity that this region enjoyed.  So many millenia later the scenario
> repeats, the names of the countries are different and the weapions will be
> different but what is at stake is basically the same.  Add technology with
> greed and ambition and the three or four nations on this river want to
> 50- 60 billion gallons of water from a river that flows about 35 billion
> gallons.  Doesn't add up.  This is a crisis and a cenario playing out all
> over the world.  Right here on Long Island, a small island in the Peconic
> Bay, Shelter Island, has run out of water.  People have to go to the high
> school and shower by water that is trucked onto the island, restaurants
> closed.  Nobody seems upset by this, not yet.  So, in my head I connect
> these events, water, war, pollution, Israel, Hussein, Bush.   I still
> that people are going to die.  Lots of people.  I do not want them to, but
> the reality is they will die.  They are dying of starvation, they are
> of thirst, dying of AIDS, and dying of cancer.  We are dying at the hands
> fellow man.  We will fight eachother for the last drop of water.  It could
> the way the war of all against all is going to start.  So my statement the
> other day to bring on the other phase of the war still stands.  I feel
> strongly that we must move on.  Of course innocent people will die, but
> suffer so that we may live a cushy life in the USA.  Heck, I spend more on
> gas for my truck than they spend on food for their family.  It is too bad.
> It is not right.  Even in the way I consciously choose to live and make
> healing of the Earth and people my priority I cannot help but feel that
> lives that are going to be sacrificed in the near future will help clear
> ether and usher in a new age of peace and the Christed Consciousness and
> prosperity, such that the Earth will shine like a bright star out into the
> cosmos and the people of the earth will vibrate to a higher vibration in
> fourth dimension of planet Earth.  Something is coming down the pike, I
> we can handle what it is ''we'' have been called upon to do...SStorch

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