> From: "D & S Chamberlain" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Date: Mon, 26 Aug 2002 11:06:22 +1000
> Subject: Re: [globalnews] War on Iraq?  Not so fast
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "Eve Cruse" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Sent: Monday, 26 August 2002 12:40 AM
> Subject: Re: [globalnews] War on Iraq? Not so fast
>> Hi David,
>> I agree that my comparison was insulting < to the snakes, and I am not
>> promoting war, which is always an indication of the failure of more
> rational
>> methods of problem solving. I am not even a Bush fan. If I lived in the US
> I
>> would have voted democrat.
>> What I do say, is that in this less-than-perfect world there are times
> when
>> pre-emptive strikes are necessary, and even desirable, rather than risk a
>> far worse outcome.
> Pre-emptive strikes, motivated by fear of the unknown, that kill the
> innocent are murder,  War is not the sanitised pictures you see on TV or the
> Stallone bullshit Hollywood loves, it's coming too after the explosion,
> laying in your own shit and slowly realising that the mud on your face is
> your best friends guts. War is little kids petrified with fear and
> screaming, screaming and screaming because their mother was just blown apart
> in front of them. War is pieces of little kids all around you. Ask a vet of
> front line action, war doesn't hurt the leaders who start them only the
> little people who have no say.

Yes, I've been through it. London was not exactly pleasant during the blitz,
followed by the rain V1's and V2's.
>> As for spin doctors, they work on both sides.  Hitler, Goebbels et al were
>> all masters at propaganda, as Hussein also seems to be. And we as
>> individuals simply do not have the reliable information needed to make the
> difficult decisions.
>> If military action is contemplated, whether 'declared' or not, then
> secrecy
>> is essential. I grew up in London during WW11 and remember everywhere
> signs saying "loose lips sink ships" and the like.
> And it also was used to cover the stuff ups, the time you speak of was
> different to now, there was in fact a war on, now we are being manipulated
> by all manner of interests who claim knowledge without producing the
> evidence, secretcy is the wall they hide behind.
>> If a pre-emptive strike is made against Iraq, which seems likely, what
> would
>> we think if after it weapons of mass destruction were found there in an
>> advanced state of development? Remember, Hussein like Hitler is a
>> megalomaniac, and as such he is very likely to use such weapons.
>> Don
> More to the point what if there were no weapons of mass destruction? All
> just bad luck? Do  you think we would be told the truth? In the overall
> scheme of things Hussein is a piss ant, if they so badly want to take him
> out then turn their resources to getting just him, don't slaughter the
> innocent as well.
> David C

Still more to the point is that if Hussein is not stopped, and does have
such weapons at his disposal, then millions could die in a nuclear and germ
warfare holocast led by a madman who has absolutely no respect for human

>>> From: "D & S Chamberlain" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>>> Date: Sun, 25 Aug 2002 11:27:23 +1000
>>> Subject: Re: [globalnews] War on Iraq?  Not so fast
>>> Don: I live where there are numerous varieties of poisonous snakes most
> of
>>> which have their myths on their power to strike and bite. My experience
> with
>>> them is that in most cases they just want to go about their business and
>>> help me by eating the mice and rats.
>>> Occasionally we do kill one that gets into our "living room" but we
> don't
>>> run around slaughtering them all, just in case they do come into our
> "living
>>> room"
>>> We will never know the what the outcome of Churchill's plan. Not all of
> his
>>> plans were as good as we are wont to remember, the outcome could have
> been
>>> worse.
>>> Can you or any of us believe what the spin doctors feed us? Right now
> there
>>> are reports that the invasion has begun, yet our erstwhile leaders are
>>> denying this, why? If it is so then the Iraqi's would certainly know
> about
>>> it, so it can't be security reasons. It can only be an attempt to
> mislead
>>> our own people.
>>> Sorry I can't trust liars, who wish to kill thousands of people for
> dubious
>>> reasons. Then again I suppose they are just Iraqis not Americans so it
> is
>>> probably OK.
>>> David C
>>> ----- Original Message -----
>>> From: "Eve Cruse" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>>> Sent: Sunday, 25 August 2002 3:08 AM
>>> Subject: Re: [globalnews] War on Iraq? Not so fast
>>>>> From: Roger Pye <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>>>>> Organization: Earthcare Environmental Solutions
>>>>> Reply-To: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
>>>>> Date: Sat, 24 Aug 2002 11:05:57 +1000
>>>>> Subject: Re: FW: [globalnews] War on Iraq?  Not so fast
>>>>> [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
>>>>>> Why suppress the inevitable.  All sides in power want the war.  The
>>> powers
>>>>>> that be want the war.  The steps are in motion already.  On some
> level
>>> the
>>>>>> war has already begun.  Bring it on, let's get it over with.
>>>>>> SStorch
>>>> I have been following this debate, and it leads me to the following
>>>> thoughts:  Reverence for life is a most worthy principle which asks of
> us,
>>>> as Tolkien put it, that we "do not destroy that which we cannot
> create."
>>>> Most people, however draw the line somewhere in its application. What,
> for
>>>> example, would you allow to establish a habitat in your living room?
>>> Flies?
>>>> Mice or Rats? How about an Egyptian Krat, a small and very poisonous
> snake
>>>> that coils into a spring and can leap ten feet? Now, in our 'global
>>> village'
>>>> everything is, in a sense, in our living room.
>>>> Hitler was a Krat, and Neville Chamberlin tried to find room for him in
>>>> Europe by 'turning the other cheek'. No doubt Chamberlin was, in this
>>>> respect at least, a better Christian than Churchill. On the the other
> hand
>>>> if Churchill had been allowed to confront Hitler earlier, as he very
> much
>>>> wanted to do, perhaps WWII might have been averted and millions of
> lives
>>>> saved.
>>>> Now, is Saddam Hussein a Krat? Yes, you may bet your life that he is.
>>>> Don

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