Allan Balliett wrote:

> To stealthily make all people vulnerable to them in the very future,
> they devour the traditional relationships between people and between
> people and the world around them, relationships that have sustained
> human cultures for eons.
> Gone or going are the traditional relationship between person and
> family of birth, person and teacher, person and physician, person and
> strangers, person and friends, person and the opposite sex, person
> and life mate, person and food, person and nutrition, person and
> personal property, person and public property, person and livelihood,
> and on and on. In the end we will all stand exposed, with nothing but
> the corporate teet to turn to for the support of our lives...or die
> young, a scenario that works well for the corporations.
> Many of these devoured relationships, relationships where
> traditionally we have  found support for our human being, are
> consumed as we cheer in happiness for the "convenience" that has been
> brought to us in exchange.

Continue to be a voice in the wilderness.  Just think.  Noah endured for
120 years while he built the ark.  The people finally realized he wasn't
nuts when the rain began to fall from the sky.  However, there were
eight people who entered the ark.


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