I am not sure if you have noticed that Australia is the US's little
brother and that it is becoming more like the US every day and the
people are so party orientated or lethargic that they have not even
noticed some of the most draconion legislation in the world against
natural health and in support of rampant GE is in OZ. All with out a
wimper. As long as no one notices I guess it is not going on. A little
like the tree falling in the forest -yeah right.
The real axis of evil claims from the EArth Summit has been aimed at
Aus. Canada and the US. Ra RA the great aussie rip shit and bust spirit.
Yes it is there as it is in the US but the government is doing the same
things with the same attitudes with the same outcomes. It only a matter
of time and the US and Aussie will be indestinguishable.

(expat aussie) 


James Hedley wrote:
> Dear Allan,
> You sound very cynical about society in  the US. As I have said many times
> before if the kitchen gets too hot you can always come to Australia, which
> is generally recognised as being a tolerant society.Come to Australia before
> the bottom falls out of the $US.
> You wont see such a high proportion of Australians who would support  such
> draconian measures as removing the right of free speech for anyone who is
> critical of the government.
> In the end it is the people who allow governments to terrorise them, not the
> terrorists. Support more  of your politicians to get a passport and see what
> goes on in the real world. It would also help if you got more people to
> vote. Somewhere I saw that no more than 30% of Americans vote. If you put
> out that you dont care what happens to you, then you must take what you get.
> The only way that you are going to recover what you see as the traditional
> relationships is to change it person by person. All that you can do is to
> change your perceptions, and treat other people the way that you would like
> to be treated.
> Maybe what is needed is another revolution to allow the new society in.
> Remember that it is people who have defined the American dream for you, not
> some amorphous multinational.
> James Hedley
>  ---- Original Message -----
> From: "Allan Balliett" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Sent: Monday, September 02, 2002 12:21 AM
> Subject: Re: [globalnews] Opening Markets Is Not Sustainable, Says
> BritishGuru
> > >
> > >
> > >Moen Creek wrote:
> > >
> > >>  >but what do the multi-national
> > >>corporations care. They will be able to buy "clean" food.<
> > >>
> > >>What do corporations eat?
> > >>
> > >People.
> > >
> > >Patti.....
> >
> > To stealthily make all people vulnerable to them in the very future,
> > they devour the traditional relationships between people and between
> > people and the world around them, relationships that have sustained
> > human cultures for eons.
> >
> > Gone or going are the traditional relationship between person and
> > family of birth, person and teacher, person and physician, person and
> > strangers, person and friends, person and the opposite sex, person
> > and life mate, person and food, person and nutrition, person and
> > personal property, person and public property, person and livelihood,
> > and on and on. In the end we will all stand exposed, with nothing but
> > the corporate teet to turn to for the support of our lives...or die
> > young, a scenario that works well for the corporations.
> >
> > Many of these devoured relationships, relationships where
> > traditionally we have  found support for our human being, are
> > consumed as we cheer in happiness for the "convenience" that has been
> > brought to us in exchange.
> >
> >

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