Hugh Lovel wrote:  How we will restore the fisheries of the world is a world
problem, as you point out. I happen to like eating fish, so I'm  very concerned.
I grew up near the coast of Louisiana where the fishing was great and the
pollution even better. I'm looking at how to grow fresh water prawns on my farm
in north Georgia, but that's a personal solution only. Global solutions may grow
out of personal solutions, since personal solutions pave the way. If I stop
buying fish and start growing some alternative, the question is half addressed.
The other half? The global half? It is times like these when "the system" comes
down around our ears that everyone is piqued to question, and the opportunities
for growth occur. Do you have any ideas, brother?

Hi! Hugh and the List.

I think you raise an important aspect self sufficiency/ survival:- "I'm looking
at how to grow fresh water prawns on my farm in north Georgia,"

As one trying to use Permaculture principles on my property, I too like the idea
of providing some amount of sea food for at least my own use. I live in a major
fishing/ aquaculture centre, which is aimed almost entirely on export to premium
markets, resulting in little of the catch sold locally and that which is, is at
premium prices.

Hugh, back at about the same time as you published the first two articles what
you then called the Cosmic Pipe, in Acres USA. There was a feature on two men
near, I think Austin Texas, who used bore water to grow sea water Shrimp, some
three hundred miles from the sea. At that time they were a year or two into it
and seemed to be going well. Do you have any later information of them?

To the List:- Is anyone grown fish/ shellfish/ prawns on their property? I have
wondered if one could use the Preps in Aquaculture? I am only doing our native
"Yabbie". a fresh water crayfish which grows to about seven to eight inches long
and has a good amount of meat in the tail. Mine are in a farm dam and look after
them selves and I just catch a feed when I want one. A friend is experimenting
with "Marram" a larger and more commercial fresh water crayfish from SW Western
Australia. He is preparing to sell his current business and I may be getting
involved with water quality etc.


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