This evening as I sat in the field watching the Novenmber Sun sink below the 
horizen I felt Winter coming on.  It is like the air feels when you have been 
warned of a hurricane.  I gathered the corn to feed the bovines, Cosmos the 
bull, his mate Ruby; cow, and Ginger the hieffer.  As I pulled up next to the 
feeding station Ruby and Cosmos looked anxiously at me.  The cold weather has 
thickened their coats and I would have to guess it is going to be a real 
Winter.  Last year at this time you could wear shorts.  I drop the armloads 
of corn stalks and ears over the wire fence for them to eat.  Joyous heavy 
breathing, smacking of lips and chewing all occurring simulatneously.  
I look at them, they are glorious animals; Scottish Highlanders.  I keep them 
just for the manure.  When the English marched into Scotland they slaughtered 
as many as they could so they could graze sheep, typical.  I look at Ruby, 
she is freshened with a calf that is due in April.  She is gorgeous in her 
cowness.  A miniature replica of the earth, she exudes life.  In observing 
her roundness I remember the Fall preparations work at Threshold Farm in the 
Hudson Valley of New York.  Hugh Williams put up his cow Deedee.
She happened to be with calf, looked like about five months, this was 
discovered after the slaughter.  After the  sheath material was harvested and 
the meat was being processed the many participants were hard at work stuffing 
dandelion in mesentary, chamomile in intestine, the skull was cleaned for 
oakbark.  I went over and looked at the dead fetus floating in the amniotic 
sac of the womb.  It had little hooves already formed and a beautiful little 
head.  It reminded me of something so very primordial I cannot explain.  A 
perfectly formed creature in this sac waiting to be born, never arriving.  It 
found life in the compost pile.  I stirred some of my universal remedy and 
soaked down the pile, as all the remnants of the animal went into it.
As I am thinking all of this I am reminding myself why it is I work with the 
biodynamic remedies.  To bring this new impulse into the world honors my 
existence.  I do it for a hopeful future, for the children and healthy wombs 
for them to come from.  What other type of endeavour lets you so consciously 
mold the future and create a microcosmic being within the macro of the earth 
and expanding further to the far reaches of the heavens?  You won't find that 
in a stock portfolio.  The ability to create the farm individuality from 
within the human ego is a new impulse.  Old peasant farms wore out.  New 
conventional chemical farms can sustain their worn out fertility through 
hydroponic inputs and propping plants up chemically, the result is food that 
nourishes neither the mind nor the body.  It is through the impulse of 
biodynamics and other similar methods that humanity will be carried into the 
future.  It is through a new impulse to build community and economy through a 
conscious association of energies and wills for human developement...SStorch

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