I am glad to hear your equine vet was not pressuring you towards anti-fungal
creams, powders or, worse yet, oral medications for the "rain rot" condition
of the skin.

If it is indeed a fungal infection, I  would recommend TOPICAL APPLICATIONS
OF AN  HERBAL  SOLUTION for helping with pain, itching and the sharp
shooting tingles horses sometimes get from a skin break. This will also
speed the short term healing, lessen the chance of secondary bacterial
infections as well as prevent unsightly hair follicle damage. Anything good
for RINGWORM will work for rain rot. Again, avoid harsh chemicals even if
they are herbal.

I would eschew gooey ointments and salves as well and go with something like
OXXY-PHYTE BALM that Jerry Brunetti sells (Agri-Dynamics 610-250-9280).
Keep this stuff handy in the barn and stable.  You will have good results
with HOMEOPATHY as well.

More importantly, I would consider a HOLISTIC approach and delve into the
reason the immune system is letting invaders into the skin. Minor infections
are like the "early warning" signal that something can be wrong on a deeper

If you are not giving a VITAMIN-MINERAL MIX supplement be sure to do so.
Also look at the FATTY ACID intake of the feed. Check for MOLD in the hay or
grain as well. Make sure your horses can find pasture/woodland WEEDS for
self-worming. How is your well water (mercury, lead, arsenic, PCBs)?  Avoid
the insane plethora of VACCINES being foisted onto horses these days.
Over-vaccination is the root of most immune problems these days.

Best wishes,


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