In a message dated 12/3/02 11:25:08 AM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

<< Steve, I have been trying to get back on the list with no luck or I would 
have sent this to the list. 


There is more on this subject in the book "The Awesome Life Force" by Joseph 

Baron Carl Von Reichenbach was able to see the subtle emenations coming off 
the ends of magnets. He did some extraordinary research (early 1800s) into 
this energy which he called the "Odic Force". And we all know about Wilhelm 
Reich's orgone energy. Now comes Joseph Cater who sees the Odic Force and 
orgone energy as two different aspects of the same force. In his book, Cater 
combines his own research with the research of Von Reichenbach and Wilhelm 
Reich into a fascinating treatise on what he calls soft particles or soft 
electrons. Soft particles can capture hard electons and release them when 
they disintigrate. Soft electrons make chemical changes possible. Cater goes 
on to say that any living organism can survive and thrive without water if it 
is continuously bombarded with the right type and right concentration of soft 
electrons. There is a simple device described in the book that will break 
photons down into their constituent soft particles. He has another book out 
that I haven't

read yet. Very cool stuff.



Chris T



If you stare at the sky you can see these dots and squiggles.   This is the 

orgone energy as discovered by Wilhelm Riech.   He must have really knew his 

stuff, he was murdered in a US prison days before his sentence was up [for 

doin his scientific research].  At any rate the distribution of the orgone 

energy is what helps create rain and our weather patterns.  Strip mines, 

nuclear power plants, and other energy disturbing and polluting activities by 

man disrupt the orgone and reek havoc on the weather, we are all experiencing 


I have looked at this research and the orgone energy is generated by the 

biodynamic remedies.  You can tell via microscopic examination of 500 or 

barrel compost by the blue coloration of the chips of silica in the 

materials.  Compost tea made from the bd remedies have billions of these blue 

vibrating bacterium present.  More research is needed here.  Oh, by the way 

mention Riech's name around old school anthropops and you'll be ostrecized, 

maybe not a bad thing, mmm.  

At any rate this fall I could see the symptoms of disturbed orgone energy.  

This manifests in these puffy small dirty grey clouds floating in a blue sky. 

As I stared into the blue you could see large patches devoid of the orgone.  

I pondered this and tried an experiment.  I stood [by the cows] and imagined 

the orgone all nice and organized, solid no holes.  It came to pass.  That 

night it clouded up and we had nice rain.  This was mid september and we have 

had weekly rain since.  I don't know if that was coinkidink or what but we 

are caught up on water.  I had to put some silica back in som e trees to try 

and dry it of a wee bit.  I would appreciate it if someone down under would 

give that a wack.

Put a snag on the bobbie and think about it, good on ya,...sstorch


--- Begin Message ---
Steve, I have been trying to get back on the list with no luck or I would have sent this to the list.
There is more on this subject in the book "The Awesome Life Force" by Joseph Cater.
Baron Carl Von Reichenbach was able to see the subtle emenations coming off the ends of magnets. He did some extraordinary research (early 1800s) into this energy which he called the "Odic Force". And we all know about Wilhelm Reich's orgone energy. Now comes Joseph Cater who sees the Odic Force and orgone energy as two different aspects of the same force. In his book, Cater combines his own research with the research of Von Reichenbach and Wilhelm Reich into a fascinating treatise on what he calls soft particles or soft electrons. Soft particles can capture hard electons and release them when they disintigrate. Soft electrons make chemical changes possible. Cater goes on to say that any living organism can survive and thrive without water if it is continuously bombarded with the right type and right concentration of soft electrons. There is a simple device described in the book that will break photons down into their constituent soft particles. He has another book out that I haven't read yet. Very cool stuff.
Chris T
If you stare at the sky you can see these dots and squiggles.   This is the
orgone energy as discovered by Wilhelm Riech.   He must have really knew his
stuff, he was murdered in a US prison days before his sentence was up [for
doin his scientific research].  At any rate the distribution of the orgone
energy is what helps create rain and our weather patterns.  Strip mines,
nuclear power plants, and other energy disturbing and polluting activities by
man disrupt the orgone and reek havoc on the weather, we are all experiencing
I have looked at this research and the orgone energy is generated by the
biodynamic remedies.  You can tell via microscopic examination of 500 or
barrel compost by the blue coloration of the chips of silica in the
materials.  Compost tea made from the bd remedies have billions of these blue
vibrating bacterium present.  More research is needed here.  Oh, by the way
mention Riech's name around old school anthropops and you'll be ostrecized,
maybe not a bad thing, mmm. 
At any rate this fall I could see the symptoms of disturbed orgone energy. 
This manifests in these puffy small dirty grey clouds floating in a blue sky.
As I stared into the blue you could see large patches devoid of the orgone. 
I pondered this and tried an experiment.  I stood [by the cows] and imagined
the orgone all nice and organized, solid no holes.  It came to pass.  That
night it clouded up and we had nice rain.  This was mid september and we have
had weekly rain since.  I don't know if that was coinkidink or what but we
are caught up on water.  I had to put some silica back in som e trees to try
and dry it of a wee bit.  I would appreciate it if someone down under would
give that a wack.
Put a snag on the bobbie and think about it, good on ya,...sstorch
--- End Message ---

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