Earthcare Environmental Solutions Field Trial 001/2003

The purposes of this trial are to demonstrate:
A. the presence of lifeforce and other energies in soils (including levels of minerals and vitamins) using distant dowsing methods;
B. the ability of apparently inert objects such as stones to 'memorise' lifeforce and other energies; and
C. the ability of stones to 'discharge' memorised energies for the benefit of humankind.


To apply to participate in this trial, please send an email to Earthcare ES <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> subject as above and stating the following in the text:

Full name, postal address, email address, contact phone number.
Company name (where applicable) and purpose of business.
Your reason for wishing to participate.

Ten (10) participants will be chosen at random from applicants. They will be provided with detailed instructions. The only cost to participants will be for the air mailing of a very small cardboard box or package to the Canberra region, Australia, and the postage and packing charge of its return should this be necessary. Participants will also be asked to sign a declaration that they will not use the trial, its methodology and/or results for their commercial benefit.


Today, do not worry, do not anger
Honour your parents, teachers and elders
Earn your living honestly & Be thankful to all life
Roger Pye
Reiki & Earth Healing, Energy Dowsing
PO Box 2057 Queanbeyan NSW 2620 Australia
Ph: +61 2 6255 3824
Fax: +61 2 6255 1028
Mob: +61 410 469 541

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