----- Original Message -----
From: Moen Creek <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Monday, January 13, 2003 2:21 PM
Subject: Re: Kirschenmann speech

> Loved ones,
> This IMHO is the most significant and concise writing I have read in ages.
> If I may suggest that this refutes, in it's opening 6 or so paragraphs,
> use of peppering to lay a plague on GM wheat & other aspects of the tecno
> crap injected in our food. It tells us to put faith in the virility of
> and not fall for the mechanistic belief that because some jerks put chunks
> of foreign DNA into a plant's genome that they (the plant) are going to
> on to it long!

Hi Markess
                   Could you elaborate please, I've tried to read the first
part of the speech posted by Barrly Lia three times and have completely
missed it on each occasion - I'm not trying to be picky or smart - just can
not make heads or tails of it in relation to your comment here.
         On a different but similar tack - I am more optimistic than most
about the capacity of nature (with a little help) to rid the system of the
GMO - these are only super weeds to a conventional farmer trying to control
them with chemical herbicides - without the herbicides (organic or BD
farming) they are GENETICALLY INFERIOR plants - I grew canola conventionally
up until 2000 and as the varieties progressed in search of higher yields and
better oil percentage they became sucessively weaker and less robust under
anything but ideal conditions - I never yet saw a canola plant with anything
like the vigour and tenacity of a wild radish plant so again - take
herbicides out of the system and it breaks down. Maybe what this is what you
are talking about but I cant see it in the speech I read!  - Help - ?
Lloyd Charles

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