Hi Roger,
               Good on yer mate for thinking outside the square, welcome to
the club. I did some of this about twenty years ago. My emphasis now is to
see where the boundary is between benefit and damage. Horn Quartz's intended
use is to enhance the ripening process and as Hugh Lovel has pointed out to
indirectly increase the protien quantity and quality taken up by the plant.
                Very sorry to hear about the fires around your part of the
world. We got some of your smoke in our atmosphere in N.Z. gave us some very
red sun sets. Hope you get a good rain soon!
                We all need to learn to comunicate better with the elemental
beings so they don't feel the need to create storms of fire, wind, water of
ice. We need to appreciate the good work they do.
----- Original Message -----
From: "Roger Pye" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Thursday, January 23, 2003 5:56 PM
Subject: Re: changing focus 501

> Lloyd Charles wrote:
> >>> but I dont agree with the claim of 'ownership'.
> >>>
> >>Offering to pay my internet, research, travel and accommodation costs,
> >>are you, Lloyd?  :)
> >>
> >>>
> >>>ps none of this will work without some rain - have not had any yet!!
> >>>
> >>This seems a very categoric statement - can you back it up for me
> >>roger
> >>--
> >>
> >Roger
> >In ordinary circumstances I would find this post very offensive (and very
> >out of character for you) - these are not ordinary circumstances and you
> >have had a very trying time - and its not over yet - dont get uptight
> >ownership - there was a prior claim to similar work (James) so what! I
> >Glen Atkinson has looked at this too. I have been doing work with
> >preps for a couple of years - have a trial on right now with radionic
> >compost preps making barrel compost - the whole world is welcome to the
> >results good or bad when its done.
> >
> I wasn't aware that I was getting uptight about ownership, all I did was
> stake a claim to a procedure I thought of 14 months ago and tested and
> which looks as if it will be of benefit to the farming, and therefore
> the whole, community. My motive in doing so has very little to do with
> personal gain and a lot to do with stopping people from going off
> half-cocked in putting my idea into practice without talking to me first
> to make sure they do it correctly. If I wanted to make significant money
> out of anything I would hardly be discussing it on a public forum like
> this one, now would I?
>  I researched BD501 and its uses from January to June last year on the
> internet and in libraries. I found nothing of James' research and tests
> or Glen's, or yours. At that time I did not even know that BDNOW!
> existed and had never heard of radionics; I joined the list the same day
> in August that I found out about it. Nor had I met James Hedley. If the
> fact of any research and the results are not published anywhere
> accessible in an easily recognisable or indexable form, then I feel I
> can hardly be blamed for thinking that what I am doing is original.
>  If I have offended you, Lloyd, or anyone else then I apologise because
> that was not my intention. Nor am I denigrating or seeking to take away
> from anyone's research.
> Now I don't want to get bogged down on this. Too many things on this
> list do get bogged down on side issues. In the post you have taken
> exception to, Lloyd, I asked why you thought rain was needed, and now I
> am asking you again.
> cheers roger

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