Dear Glen,
Sorry I dont have a web page developed as yet. Hopefully some time this
I dont see any problem with self proclaimed success. I expect that what I do
will be successful. If it is not, then I will do whatever it takes to find
out why it was not successful.
Fortunately for us there is plenty of scope in Agricultural homeopathy and
radionics to give the most fertile of minds free rein as to what they can
Isn't it great that we live in such interesting times that there are so many
problems that we can put our minds to.
Keep up the good work at some point the world will recognise the value of
the pearls of wisdom that come from the mind of Glen Atkinson,
Sincere regards
James Hedley

Radiasesthesia and Radionic Analysis
Radionic Insect and Parasite control
Bioethical Agriculture Consultant

----- Original Message -----
From: "Garuda" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Thursday, January 23, 2003 7:44 AM
Subject: Re: BD501 as a Weed Control was Re: BD501 as Herbicide

> . Glen, will you please give  Roger and I the URL of
> > the research work on your Web Page, or if it is not on it could we
> > have a copy of it, or is it commercially confidential.
> Sorry nothing written to provide re 501 as weed control.
> We did some work with Kikuyu grass on road verges in the early 90s. . Twas
> reported in the local paper at the time but was not successful due to the
> contractors lack of application repeats.
> I have played with other ideas and would be using something other than 501
> these days, As described it speeds the plant up thru it growth cycle.
> are other preps we have which stop the growth cycle dead in its tracks
> would be more effective , once we get around to it.
> re ownership
> I agree that as soon as anything is in the public domain it is
> everyones -ala patent and trademark laws,
> At best one might get some credit for idea development if you make a loud
> enough noise, but ownership can only come through labelling/branding and
> keeping the details of your formula private ala microsoft.
> This has long been the loophole the BDANZ has used to keep me from
> publishing in their journal. Unless I reveal my formulas they will not
> publish anything about the effectiveness of my products. Some ethos about
> being a do it yourself practise. "Farmers for farmers" , watch out
> else.
> They have not funded my work one bit ( actually actively discouraged
> for it) so have no right to the formulas which funds it. Instead they
> to  tell their growers to use Phyrethreum for white fly than my BD remedy,
> which they know works because they did a surprise inspection on one of my
> client in 1992, when they did not believe his declarations. Strange but
> true.
> SO sadly we are back to privacy and secrecy if you wish to maintain
> ownership. A luxury landowners may be able to do without but alas us
> landless researchers have no other choice.
> re 'the silence'
> WHile there is always some scepticism about self proclaimed success, there
> is also not much to say often. All we can do is wait and see the outcome
> time goes on.
> James do you have a website with research docs and pics avaialable?
> re research
> In the near future we will be posting the results of a trial done recently
> by Gill Cole of the efficacy of some of our remedies. Graphs and pictures
> included. (Just tidying up the titles on the graph.) There is no doubt
> potentised BD Preps work from this document.
> cheers
> Glen

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