I happen to be a lucky an EXPERT at naming things.  F'rinstance, there is an
organic gourmet mushroom farm in Ohio that I named "SHITAKE HAPPENS!"   I
still think business names are best if they comes from within the creator.
It will mean more to you. Names are incredibly powerful and become a
touchstone for your inspiration and daily devotion.

Naming is easy. Many of us could give you one, but that would be depriving
you of the joy. The one I had for you derived both from the fact that you
are NOT making "Fast Food" and the name "Slow Food" movement is already
trademarked, so I thought you could take the name THE "HALF FAST CSA".
Does that work?

But, seriously, I would stay away from words like  " authentic" or  "real"
as they become meaningless in inflated advertising hype just like "organic"
or "natural" have become.  Plus, they sound so pompous and preachy. Why use
a name that puts others down?

I would go with words that have a deep meaning to you and yet have a clever
ring to them. Personally I have always liked "Stella Natura" (also taken,
but there are so many more). Remember that words like dirt, soil, plant,
manure and so on sound SO much better in Latin, French, Spanish, German,
Japanese or Italian.

When I go on a "Quest" for a name, I run all media and conversations  I
contact through the "Name Filter". I become obsessed with the process.  As
you read your Biodynamic books, your sustainable ag books, your foodsoilweb
books, with this filter you will discover a list of potentials. Sleeping and
dreaming on the list will bring the cream to the top. Let the name flow from
within you.  This is the organic process. Make it beautiful. Make it magic.

Will Winter


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