When I go on a "Quest" for a name, I run all media and conversations  I
contact through the "Name Filter". I become obsessed with the process.  As
you read your Biodynamic books, your sustainable ag books, your foodsoilweb
books, with this filter you will discover a list of potentials. Sleeping and
dreaming on the list will bring the cream to the top. Let the name flow from
within you.  This is the organic process. Make it beautiful. Make it magic.
Will, I've been through all of this the past two week, and, yea, verily, the past three months and nothing is really snaping up. Now the deadline is here, the flyers must go out, the lease must be signed, etc.

That's why I'm throwing it out to the family.

Come on, man, give it a name and you'll be the godfather!!! (But it can't be Hardy-har-har CSA)

Folks: I wouldn't ask if I didn't need help.

I appreciate the suggestions that have been made.

elementalfood.com is taken (check it out, it's intrigueing.

Gosh, Sustainable Suppers comes to mind...


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