Hi! Allan,

How about The Fast Supper? Totally meaningless, but close enough to
something well known, to make people think, regardless of their
intentions. Every time they mentally check to see it is that, with which
it rhymes, it reinforces your business and could potentially be good
cheap advertising. I note that <www.thefastsupper.com> is not in use.
Your graphic could depict RS standing at the road side stall, it loaded
with ready to eat produce and his self flanked by a dozen who have taken
his ideas and set out to spread them across the world in a popular
movement....... If I was handling the promotion, I would pick pick some
gullible cleric and send the media with a copy of the graphic to ask him
it it was true he objected to your use of the image... [I would have a
cartoonist do the graphic, using the composition and putting the figures
in the same positions.]

Gil Robertson

Allan Balliett wrote:

> Again - I'm reaching out,

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