You sure don't know your celebrities and where they live. Sissy Spacek lives outside of Charlottesville, VA. I know this because when we had Komondors 10-20 years ago her husband came up and bought a couple from a litter. As far as other actors and the ilk, this isn't great country for them. Liz Taylor lived near by when she was married to John Warner but she quickly bored of being a Senator's wife and the local horsey scene. Mostly. the large estates belong to old money, the sort of inbred person that was born with money and in turn never did a thing with their life except ride a horse after a pack of hounds that are yapping at a scrawny fox.

I imagine your middleburg market won't be those people. They aren't competent enough to buy food to feed themselves, they need someone else to feed them. Your market will most likely be the hangers on and the near do well (is that the correct term?) The people who own the shops that service the landed gentry, and the people who have enough for 10 acres and can afford to build a house of questionable taste with large pillars, brick facades and designs that below in another country and another time. You know, retired football players, computer executives who got out when the getting was good, and white collar crooks of various descriptions.

My what a fine county you have moved to.

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