Steve's right. This was an incredible event. So good to see how pragmatism will overcome dogmatism in the right cricles! Alan York is a very well respected viticulturist. He gave an incredible presentation, which he entitled 'Holistic Estate Management.' York, as you probably know, has a very strong background in biodynamics and in landscape architecture. His vineyards work well and are beautiful!

Of interest to this group: the one book that Gunther Hauk recommended on biodynamics to this entry group was the Statler book: Biodynamic Agriculture. This is a hardback, textbook-style publication that usually costs about $65. I think that Mr. Lovel has a few that he'd like to sell at cost, however. (Contact him in private.)

Alan York made the statement 'Perhaps the only thing that we know for certain in biodynamics is that cows don't shit in horns,' meaning that we cannot undervalue the human envolvement in quality hortculture. Gunther pointed out how the decline of the planet through age would be reflected in the development and maintainance of our bodies unless we make certain that the foods we eat have been stimulated to bring in more of the substances that we really need. (The preps are those stimulants.)

An incredible event, this one was. I'm looking forward to the Biodynamic Viticulture Conference down here in Loudoun County Nov 14 of this year. Steve Storch, Alan York, and Hugh Courtney will all be speaking, along with many others.

If anyone is interested in hearing the Alan York tape, please contact me off-line.



Just home from Harrisburg, PA where the Cornell Extension hosted their first
Organic / biodynamic viticulture conference.  Speakers on biodynamics
included Gunther Hauk from the Pfeiffer Center, Alan York of Hopland
California.  Alan has extensive vineyard experience and has acheived Demeter
Certification for Ceago and Benziger Vineyards in California.  I brought my
stirring machine and tea brewer and some preparations.  Lots of interest and
I will offer a hands on workshop in the Spring at a Vineyard in PA.  This was
attended by about two hundred vineyard owners and managers.  Some of my
neighbors on the south fork of LI attended.  Another indication that BD is
alive and well and growing, imagine that Cornell agents said the word

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