Gil wrote>
> My statement concerning the power lines in Hugh's published photo was to
> refer to an image that I assume many on the list, if they are serious
> about non chemical agriculture, would subscribe to Acres and be familiar
> with that photo. The photo is related to Radionic Broadcast, not trees,
> cattle or scrub. I mearly noted that example as an image that I thought
> should be familiar to a reasonable proportion of the list, without
> posting photographs,
I saw this as a slide when Hugh Lovel was in Aus three? years ago, its a
very dramatic representation of high voltage interference with a radionic
broadcast - which was the whole point of Hugh showing it and Gil's drawing
our attention to it!! Anybody that doubts that radionics works should take
the time to see it! As Allan said we dont normally see this effect from
powerlines in normal circumstances - it was the powerline cancelling out the
beneficial energetic effect of the field broadcaster that was being shown.
Cheers all
Lloyd Charles

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