I'm reposting this post because it cuts to the heart of the globalnews issue. I think there is some very good advice here and I hope it will be taken to heart. -Allan

As for the question of sending off subject posts to BDnow I think that when
you try and set guidelines as to what can and cannot be discussed on the
list you set yourself up for some very acrimonious discussion and
censorship. If Biodynamics is what was taught by Rudolf Steiner in the
Agriculture Course, it only stands to reason that you would not discuss the
use of compost teas, or many other subjects,  because that is not BD. If you
look through the last 200 posts from BDnow you will find that there are
probably only 7-8% of the posts refer to BD preps or their use. The rest
refer to all manner of subjects.
Personally I find that the beauty of the list is the diversity of subjects
discussed and the depth of intellectual thought and energy that goes into
most of the posts. If there is something that is not interesting to me it is
deleted. Because I do not find something interesting does not mean that is
reason to complain, and stop someone else from having the benefit of a post
that may enlighten someone else.
 The list and it's effectiveness is in the sense of building community
amongst the list members. If a few hundred members of the list cannot show
tolerance to each other, and allow that the opinions of other members have
merit, we may as well all go home to the weapons of mass distraction and
forget about trying to make the world a better place.

As adherents of the teachings of RS we owe the world more than to bicker
amongst ourselves over what form of censorship should be applied, whether it
is to Jane or anybody else. Have rules certainly, Allan's life would be hell
if he did not have some rules to guide him by, but don't let the rules
discriminate against anybody. Heaven knows, that Allan would be the last to
want the right to censor any post as to whether it is likely to offend some
people. Many times we are inept at trying to express what our aims and
values are, this is where the ideas and words of someone else can help to
develop concepts and ideas. Let us be tolerant to each other as we all try
to develop this community which is BDnow.
Go well,
James Hedley

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