It is something we will probably hear much more about in the years to come
unless some brilliant minds put an end to this death lust for radioactive
energy sources. 

As for radionics, if it is true, as mentioned on the list, that electrical
wires can interfere with radionic broadcast, how can one even use them here
in most areas of the US, where there is a congestion and confluence of
wires, power stations and the like?

I will forward your post to Curtis who will be quicker at locating satellite
photos for you. We have some friends who are artists who twenty years ago
started working with satellite photos in their work. One of whom has been
sounding an alarm and doing map pieces about the upcoming wars, based not
only on oil reserves, but on water and geographical meanderings of rivers.
Many of his shows and much of his work has been censored here in the US and
he more often has receptions in Europe.


PS: Is anyone on this list or a Permaculture list that you know of who is
from New Mexico? If you're/we're going to do such an experiment, it would be
good to work with someone from the area as well, no?

> From: "James Hedley" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Date: Tue, 4 Feb 2003 20:46:31 +1100
> Subject: Los Alamos Laboratories pollution.
> It is very bad news to hear of such a degree of radioactive pollution levels
> as those from Los Alamos Laboratories. it would be interesting to try a
> radionic broadcast over long period of time based on a satellite photograph.
> There are several radionic rates to try. If you send a satellite photograph
> of the area I will set up the necessary protocols and then we shall see what
> happens. No guarantees but an interesting experiment.

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