At 12:04 PM 2/4/2003 -0500, Merla wrote:

This is my year for my own BC & 500 AND for 24 hr aerobic compost tea.
Exactly in what proportion do you combine them? 

Allan's post answered your questions very well. Compost tea has been used by BD farmers for a long time and no one bothered to get all technical about feeding the culture. Allan's explanation was very good; we just don't yet know if "brewed" compost tea is needed. Thanks, Allan, for articulating the issue.

Also a post from Ms. Berkley, possibly on the regulation committee on
the NOSB standards in the Compost Tea list/serve files states that CT is
considered raw manure.  I thought that was not being enforced  this
year.  Am I asking this on the wrong list/serve or can someone answer?
I don't want to have my OG certification denied.

I'm not current in this area, I thought the decision was that if the compost was acceptable (ie. met all the requirements for number of turnings, temperature etc) then you could apply it as you wish. There may be some requirement for a minimum time period between application and harvest. More to the point, why bother with getting certified? I believe small growers are exempted from the certification requirement. What do other folks do?

David Robison

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