I guess biodiesel is off topic. For those interested, there is a pretty active list group at "Alternative Energy List" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
also check http://www.homepower.com/
The oil isn't burned directly as fuel, but goes thru a process of esterification that involves treatment with harsh chemicals. So don't expect anything subtle to survive. Also don't expect the "subtle energy" to show up as physical energy.
Emtergy or net energy analysis is part of the question. If it takes more energy to produce than you get from combustion, the fuel isn't worth it. Conventional ag is a good example -- the amount of fossil fuel invested isn't matched by the output. OTOH, natural farming can be very beneficial. Plants are a low-tech solar collector, the question becomes what energy does it take to gather, transport, process the biomass. Nebraska's Small Farm Energy Project (including BD farmer Bob Steffen, grower of the super-good oats) did some great work in that area.

David Robison

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