Title: Re: Cow Shares
we get our raw milk from a cow share from
Zeinggers (sp?) in East Troy WI
There are reputed to be the oldest Biodynamic Farm in the US.
Their folks were personally at the RS Ag lecture or so the story goes.

WE pay a $20 cow purchase a year and $3 per gallon.
It is an hour away so we have a carpool of 10 families who rotate the run on Sundays.

They only allow large mouthed gallon pickel jars ` they charge $3 to buy one).
Most of them have white plastic lids.
The have to have your name writen on each and you are personaly responsible for the sanatation. They are filled from a bulk tank on the spot.
Most of their porductgoes to Organic Valley.

Back to the jar - having done tissue culture work and lots of brewing I would recomend only jars that you can not get your hand into. Unless you set up a  heated NaOH wash station - bleach will not do the job.


From: Allan Balliett <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Wed, 5 Feb 2003 06:50:28 -0500
Subject: Cow Shares

Friends -

Is anyone doing cow shares?

Does anyone know of anyone doing cow shares?

I'm finally in a position to offer cow shares and REAL milk this
season but I don't have a good sense on how to procede with this
program. (And many of the ones I see on the web seem just too

I'm interested in what others on this list may be doing or may be observing.


-Allan Balliett

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