Chickens must have a supply of grit in their cop to grind food up, or they can not handle grains and the like. They should always have access to a supply of coarse sand, river gravel fines or shell grit. This can be in a container in a dry and poo free part of their house.



Also, grit and/or oyster shell? I never know which to get. Some years ago I bought a bunch of cement stepping stones from a school project trying to earn money. A couple of months ago I put one on my deck and it immediately started cracking open. Maybe it dried out, I don't know but I kept seeing hunks hopping off down the steps. I kept watching but never saw it DO anything like move on it's own accord, it would just appear more broken, and pieces laying on the various steps. Finally, I saw my cluster of hens all pecking at the inner portion of the block, trying to break off some of the smaller pebble-sized pieces. They have oyster shell available but maybe I also need to supply plain ol grit too? I thought one would do double duty for both, guess they need more.

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