Targeting water
> treatment plants, electrical facilities? The reality of this nightmare, is
> that if just a small percentage of the war machine's budget, were used to
> clean up the leftover landmines, DU and poisoned wells THAT ALREADY remain
> behind from the last Gulf War, we could end many varieties of death by
> malnutrition because of water borne illnesses, we could set up sustainable
> agricultural projects, we could help people help themselves
> (teach-a-man-to-fish-story folks on this list are so fond of), set up
> medical centers, etc.
> If we used the whole budget now being spent to send our own young people
> to be canon fodder and the cost of arms and deplorable new weapons of mass
> destruction (that our country produces and sells wholesale to places like,
> you guessed it (!) Iraq) then we could probably clean up all the dirty
> in third world countries providing a great foundation to end world hunger,
> rampant water borne illness, etc etc etc.
Rather that we, the
> people, individually and together should resist injustice in every way
> we can. Here in the US, a lot of that would look like how you vote with
> dollars. That's just one solution.
> Blessings,
> Jane
> In My opinion one of the best ways to clean up water, either in well or in
the drainage system, is to actively practice biodynamics and put the
suggestions of Steiner, and all that has been developed from them, to work.
Peace and prosperity,

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