Randi was involved in a BBC Horizon programme 'disproving' homeopathy; see
if you have all the replicable data, scientifically produced, it should
relatively straightforward ? Sure you will have to jump thru some hoops, but
it is a lot of money !
It does seem a little strange that no one has taken up the challenge, like
we are not 100% certain that it DOES work. Or maybe Randi and his cronies
are not impartial, I dont know. All I do know is that if people say 'no', it
is because they are not sure of a fair shot, and not because they are scared
of a negative result.
thus endeth todays sermon !  Gideon.
----- Original Message -----
From: "Garuda" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Tuesday, March 04, 2003 12:40 AM
Subject: Re: Scientific proof of Homeopathic BD prep efficacy

> The website talks about paranormal and I did not see any mention of
> homeopathics on the quick scan I did of the site, so I emailed for
> clarification.

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