Indeed the deterioration of this this list recently has been sad. What
just a year or two ago was an active forum with good substantiative topics
has reverted to mostly global news, and chit chat. Not trying to be too
negative but there is so much potential (check the archives), that I feel
we're missing out on.

We hashed this out a few weeks back. Since then I've been contemplating a
idea raised then. When I see Merla post about the troubles world affairs
might be causing her it solidifies my thoughts. Some of us like, need, or
choose to live in our own little BD world. There is a lot if injustice in
this world, and being able to deal with all the negatives isn't for
everyone.  There are places (many) that on can go for news, alternative,
mainstream, political opinions. There aren't many places one can go to
find those experienced in BD, especially in a forum where the back and
forth of discussion often reveals so much.

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