Very well said Lloyd.
----- Original Message -----
From: "Lloyd Charles" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Monday, March 10, 2003 1:12 PM
Subject: Re: Spring news

> >From: The Korrows
> Christy wrote
> > our latest revelation is that the small percentage of organic farms
> certified >farms in the US- 90,000 farms in Kentucky alone) is not going
> turn around >agriculture,
> Its a shame more people in organic and biodynamic agriculture dont realise
> this - certification is the problem! It infers an all or nothing
situation -
> either you go organic and become certified or you remain (in the eyes of
> certified) a chemical farmer. The greatest benefit to agriculture will
> from integration of biodynamic and organic practices on conventional
> (chemical) farms, after all if you eliminate entirely the use of chemicals
> on a small area say ten or twenty acres of certified land, in the overall
> scheme of things thats not much chemical. A reduction in the rate applied
> one normal scale commercial farm would make a far more significant
> in amount of chemical used and it is easy to do. We just have to get the
> farmers attention and show that these things work on normal commercial
> farms. Greg Willis is doing this, Glen Atkinson in new Zealand has trial
> results supporting his use of bdpreps on chemical farms replacing toxic
> chemical applications with potentised preps, we are seeing these things,
> other non toxic tactics working on our own farm. There is a huge
> here for serious reductions in toxic chemical usage without the attendant
> reductions in crop yield and financial pain.  But I still cop a fair
> of flack along the lines of ' when are you going to do things properly and
> get certified' from some people within the bd movement - I admit its got
> more friendly as time goes on (or am I less sensitive to it).
>     I realise we need some of the purist approach or the whole thing will
> get watered down to mediocrity but I also think that many people dont
> consider the first step because they are under the impression that they
> to go the whole way or there will be no result. Painless transition should
> be our aim!
> Cheers
> Lloyd Charles

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