The Gaia concept is as old as consciousness. It seems odd to western society because we are so detached from the inerturnings of the world & are caught up in our "superior intellectual pursuits". One can not find Gaia in intellectual pursuits. The truth is that we all have experience with nature spirits. We may not have much experience with lets say trucking, but it is never the less an integral part of our lives which affects us every day. Foods, hardware, mail etc. Now if you wanted to find out about trucking you could go about it. Research, talking to truckers, mechanics, one could even get a job at it to understand it better. But Nature Spirits???? Oh my gosh, what a mystery!! In fact it is no different, less common or difficult to understand than trucking. Most people are not even aware that they are incredibly shallow breathers until it is pointed out to them, or that they walk off balance with one food pointed out or in, or even that they have no control over their thoughts, they can't turn them off. Nature Spirits/Gaia is not even a concept. It's like a bunch of people sitting around trying to talk about Chris (me) as a concept. It doesn't make sense. But if they meet me, well that makes sense (well maybe not) The trick with Gaia is that it is an attention. Step out in the woods and focus your attention on nature spirits and they're just simply there. The real problem that we face is not in seeing/feeling Nature Spirits but in turning off the drumming in our heads that we have been thought that they do not exist.
Peace, Chris

Some native American cultures believe that the ground we stand on is on the back of a turtle.
'Michael do you have any knowledge of the Hieda and their truth regarding the old growth Cedar trees?'
I do not have much experience with nature spirits, some not much.

Here is what D. Cruse had to say when I questioned him about the Taoist belief that THE WAY to live fully was through total union with NATURE. I am sure this is "old hat" to most on the list.

"Steiner expanded on the past with a scientifically disciplined clairvoyance.
Ancient world views are the result of a past non-critical level of spiritual
awareness, that which Barfield called 'original participation'; what
Steiner's work represents is the beginning of 'final participation' in which
we take the scientific method that we have learned in relation to NATURE and
apply it now to the the SPIRIT (which is the inside of nature). His work,
therefore, is the beginning of something completely new where spirituality
is concerned." - D. Cruse

Maybe Eve will get him to read this and he might have more to say?


On Thursday, March 20, 2003, at 08:41 PM, Spiritual Renaissance Center wrote:

That was really good about the heart, that 60% of the cells are neuro cells, not muscle.  I happened to be near farm fields where they were spraying chlorinated hydrocarbons, nerve agents.  My heart was hurting and I thought of Joseph Chilton Pearce's writing.

Also, concerning GAIA, do any of the people working with the Nature Beings have insights.  At Findhorn they said large geographical areas have angels, and in the book Ephesus, Giants Work with the Large Land Masses?  Dora Van Gelder wrote that Trees have intelligences (kind of like Lord of the Rings).  Anyone encounter an earth being like a GAIA?  Did Steiner write about it?  Didn't he compare the Universe to a human body?

Timothy H.


>>"This is just a personal belief and may not be Anthroposophical in
The Earth's soul appears to mirror that of our own."


Hi Eric, anthroposophical is as anthroposophical does. Check out Joseph Chilton Pearce's cutting edge elucidations of research in neurocardiology. The holographic heart is not just microcosmic of the earth's radiant energy. Man, you don't know how right you are!


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