----- Original Message -----
Sent: Tuesday, April 01, 2003 1:26 PM
Subject: Re: Vitality and fertility ofsoils


> In the agriculture lectures Steiner refers several times to keeping the
work on the farm

Hi Steve, Alan
This is what I like about Rheams method is that  a farmer can learn to do
all his own testing  from weeds ,insects La Motte soil test, ERGS  ORP, ph,
brix tests to evaluate the health of his plants and take the appropriate
measures to rectify by foliar sprays , BD sprays, Radionics, compost ,
organic fertilisers. Every time I do the above I learn more about my soils
and plants. By combining  all the above activities a farmer has  sound
programme for conversation to organics/ BD.
Many times when I have mention BD to growers  I get the comment that BD is
too hard , I have not got enough time to stir, it is too confusing  and the
list goes on. I myself  changed from conventionial growing to BD 10 years
following traditional methods it was fine for the first few years and then
nothing got any better it wasn't until I joined this list and  started using
potentised preps ,sequential spraying along with Rheams  that I  that things
have really started to change I still have a lot of hard work to do  before
I am satisfied that I am producing the perfect crop that is pest, weed and
disease free. It is about Working Smarter Not Harder that is my philosophy

> As  far as I am concerned I do not care for any of these scientific
> evaluations until the preparations have been used for two years...sstorch

I recall reading  a conversation between Steiner and Pfeiffer where Steiner
encourage Pfeiffer to study every thing that he could to make Biodynamic
sustainable and profitable  he says it wouldn't work unless it was
for the farmer . Pfeiffer  spent his life time as a scientist studing
,writing and lecturing on this subject.  it is so wonderful to have so much
knowledge from this list to allow me as a grower to developed my own farm
using my own skill, ability  and resources that I have available   my own

 Cheers Tony

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