Subject: Re: Preps 500 and 501 Effects as they relate to Sequential Spraying
Dear Merla
                    I am unable to explain any of this but can offer a few
* the BD farmers in Australia who have encountered problems after a period
of what looked like successful practice are mostly from the Alex Podolinsky
group and have been mostly not using 501 or very little of it and certainly
not in concert with 500 - and for sure no horn clay. I'm not challenging
AP's knowledge but the message has not been filtering through to the other
end of the pipeline.
* these farms have suffered flat battery syndrome somewhere between 7 and 15
* The new organisation of Biodynamic agriculture that I belong to (Cheryl
Kemp writes here sometimes) is promoting the spraying of 500 and 501 in back
to back applications - 500 at evening and then 501 next morning over the
same area, farmers that have done this so far are talking very nice results
and more important have experienced none of the supposed ill effects from
using 501 in what is a very warm and high light environment, they have NOT
burned up their hay crop or had premature fruiting or all of the other
things that worries people about using 501.
* when we started using our broadcaster (three seasons ago ) I didnt have
access to horn clay for some months and yes we got results (visible) but it
was as if things were haphazard - the whole place went into rampant
flowering in late spring / early summer - perennial weeds, the native
plants, our home garden , everything just blazed into bloom. The look of it
was as if we were shunting things one way then the other.
* After about four months I got Rae cards that included the horn clays and
made up a new set of reagents and I have always used horn clay since that
time. In the broadcasters I use the full suite of preps 500 through to 508
plus horn clays.
* I guess the best description I have is if you came to a furiously boiling
pot and turned it down to a gentle simmer, we dont see as much happening
(things are much more subtle), but I also think its much more stable and
* its human nature that we look for a quick result, or a dramatic change,
but I do think that a slow gentle shifting of the balance point is a lot
more beneficial in the long run.
Just a few thoughts from down under
Lloyd Charles

> I just read Hugh Lovell's words on "Prep 500 and 501 effects".  It was
> way over my head since I can only understand what is going on with the
> plants on a intuitive basis.
> I want to do a sequential spraying on 3 1/2 acres of our land, the part
> that is not wooded, but fenced and in agricultural usage.  I feel O.K.
> about BC, 500, 508, but really question the use of 501.
> It's really
> confusing to read Hugh's references to horn clay because Hugh Courtney
> doesn't include it in the sequence.
Internal politics maybe?
> Should I order some horn clay?  If
> I do, when do I spray it?  We have glacial till soil with wind blown
> laos from Washington grain fields.
> Hugh C. suggested that I do it in leaf to stimulate
> water influences and I'm thinking about June 20-21.  I don't do the
> whole 25 acres because it would be hard to spray in the trees and
> underbrush.  Should I be doing that too?
> What am I doing when I do a sequential spray sequence?  Can someone
> explain it to me the way Hugh Lovell is explaining in his post on 500
> and 501, but in not quite so difficult a conceptual framework?
> Best,
> Merla
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