If the multinational companies can't protect their investment, they just won't do the research. However, which government is going to repeal the PBR laws? None haa the courage to do that. We can't rely on Western democracies to act on behalf of their constituents. The only way is for individuals not to buy these seeds. But the advantages they offer (to some) gives growers and edge over their fellows. The desire to take advantage of that, despite the consequences, is the nub of the problem. Changing that is the challenge.

> What the real problem is, is patent rights
 on seeds, thats what has allowed these multinational companies to proceed
 with their campaign of rape and pillage, and right now most of the
 commercial crop varieties grown by farmers in the developed agricultural
 nations on earth are under patent ownership of some sort, farmers no
 own their seed! Banish patent rights on living organisms and this problem
 (GE GM GP whatever) will quickly disappear (along with a host of other
 problems). Its a simple matter - this situation - transfer of ownership
 public domain to private companies - has come about in my working lifetime
 and was unheard of in my father's generation.
 > Lloyd Charles

Leave the fire to burn - go turn off the fuel supply!
Thats a great idea but I would expect there to be many hands clenched over
the tap.
I agree with what you say above and what we must be diligent with is the use
of all the preparations or remedies. It could be that in due course we will
have to breed new plants or resurect old plants and develop them again.

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