
I look forward eagerly to discussion with you as e-mail is entirely too inadequate.


The main reference we need to refer to is the diagram in lec 8- pg 155 I think.
>From what you have said below you have what RS is saying re Cosmic and Earthly nutrition streams in humans which is a 4 fold story. With plants though you keep telling a 3 fold story.
So apply your 4 fold understanding of humans  to plants
Double Head forces = below ground
Double Metabolic system = above ground.
In lecture 8 RS uses  the terms Cosmic Forces and Earthly Substance (matter) in the head area and Earthly forces and Cosmic Substance (matter) in the metabolism.
In lec 2 and lec 6 he is describing something similiar however he is using the terms Silica (= forces) and Calcium (= Matter /Substance)
Lecture 2 I believe is about the Cosmic side of the story - Lievegeod /Geothes "Being'  - Cosmic Silica & Cosmic Calcium
Lecture 6 is about the Earthly side of the story Lievegeod /Geothes "Manifestation' - Earthly Silica and Earthly Calcium
I need to check the details but I suspect very much that Lec 2 and Lec 6 are talking about the external 'World' processes while lec 8 is talking about the internalised 'Personal''  processes
To move from lec 2& 6 - which is what Lievegeod is describing in his early diagrams to lec 8, Lievegeods diagram has to be twisted into a Lemniscate, as I mentioned earlier. By doing this we go from an external reality to internalised reality. This is one of those 'esoteric' tricks RS uses in various of his stories especially when talking about internalised human processes. To my knowledge though he never talked about these behind the scenes maneuvers he used. He just told their story. I have discovered them through my astrology games, but use them he did.
Hence RSs  change of terminology.  Calcium and Silica, is when he is talking of the World/external spheres and then in lec 8 when he is talking of the Personal/internal spheres he talked of forces and matter instead. There is his differentiation.
In my gyroscopic picture 'manifestations......" I found it possible and necessary to make this distinction also, however earlier in my thoughts and writings  I have not. In this diagram I put cosmic matter on the internalised etheric arm (3rd ring out), and used Ter Ca on the External Etheric arm,( 3rd ring out) etc Just by the way, this 3rd ring is the layer of 3 fold or the physical body. Hence these are forces active in the functioning and maintenance of the physical body. The next ring out is the etheric body and there we talk of the ethers in there Free and Bound forms and so on. I need these charts to sort this stuff out. I do not know any one else does it with out them????

So what is happening in the 'head' of the plant is what is happening in the Root, below the soil ie Cosmic Forces  and Earthly matter . These work upwards. This could of course is taking place in the World Earthly pole.
What is happening in the metabolic region of the plant above the soil are the Earthly forces  and Cosmic Matter . These processes work downwards towards the Earth as it where. This could be said to exist in the World Cosmic pole .
Here in lies the problems of our terminology.
We could do with a few more words, especially when trying to see BD ideas as a 2 fold reality based on Cosmic = Silica and Earthly = Calcium as is commonly done in English BD literature. This is OK till we actually try and understand lec 2,6,& 8. Not many people seemed to have attempted this cohesion I am suggesting, hence not many people have understood the course. In NZ it is official policy that the ag. course is incomprehensible, which seems to suit them and their devotees. It drove me nuts, not being one to run on faith, as they appear to.
RS told us to see things as 2, 3, 4, 7, 12 fold activities. Hence we have to be very clear 'which level we are talking about when'
2 fold is World Cosmic / above = Silica / 501 / outer planets and World Earthly / below = Calcium /500 / inner planets
3 fold is the same with Horn Clay acting as the mediator
4 fold is where we have to come to grips with the subtle differences between (External Cosmic Si / internal Cosmic forces / primary outer planets) & (External Earthly Ca / internal Earthly matter / secondary inner planets) functioning in the 'head'.
while in the metabolic region above the soil we have (external Earthly Silica / internal Earthly forces / secondary outer planets) & (the Cosmic Ca./internal Cosmic Matter / secondary inner planets)
7 fold are the planetary relationships I mentioned in 4 fold
12 fold is a somewhat unexplored realm for me. I have various ideas of what is going to happen there, of which I have hinted in my books. I am sure there is treasure trove of relationships and applications there.
regarding substances that influence these activities again I see the need to establish a difference between 3 fold and four fold
3 fold is easy enough to see as the horn preps 501 Horn Clay ( bentonite) and 500
4 fold though I see at the moment unsheathed substances Clay, Sand, Humus and Lime.
So I see a great difference between bentonite Horn Clay and unpreped more silicious clay. I note you do not.
SO to be strict we probably should only talk of forces and substance when describing internal plant processes, while when discussing external processes of the soil and atmosphere we can talk of Si and Ca. I appreciate it is easier to smudge the fine boarders between these words for convenience, as I have done many times. I guess it is a bit like in chemistry, to you hydrates and hydrites are different things but for me its all hydrogen.
SO I hope this helps you, it has sure helped me clarify things for myself. Thanks. It would be good to fit a session into your schedule when you are over here to take this further?
Glen, you refer to your chart with the four levels on it. I've lost my copy and can't put my hands on it.

You can get the BD Decoded picture now from my website <>
 So I don't get very far in that direction. And if I'm not getting it, I wonder how many others are.
Im sure it is confusing for many folks. It appears to have remained unclear for the last 70 yrs to most BDers to the point of not dealing with it.

I find I have to look for concrete examples of these things, such as cosmic silica and earthly silica; cosmic lime and earthly lime. Such things as the earthly lime in the cranium is what anchors and encloses the cosmic silica alight in the brain.
Yes and this is pretty much what I understand. Also ( I need to sharpen the details) From the substance we eat( Earthly matter / Ter Ca) ,  forces are liberated which go to make up the substance of our brains. Better food = better forces = a better brain. No doubt the Ca plays in with Si to effect brain tissue as you suggest. This brain substance then becomes a reflector of the cosmic forces coming to us from the cosmos and from the collective unconscious. Hence thoughts are reflections of outside influences, which of course fits with the influence of the planets and the astrality, I see.
Our bulk ,Muscles etc come from breathing, Cosmic Calcium and sense impressions, Earthly Silica
Or, rather the cosmic silica conducts the nerve impulses in the brain and down the spinal column, and it is the phosphorus that lights it up and the nitrogen that provides consciousness. But then we have lime in the muscles that must be there for the muscles to relax and silica in the hair and nails that form our furthest contact with the world around us. Isn't that cosmic lime in the muscles?
As I understand it yes
 Or maybe not. Maybe it too is earthly lime as it must meet the cosmic silica stream from the brain in the muscles. Maybe the cosmic lime is all in the digestion and then where is the earthly silica?
External sense impressions that impact on us, smells, sounds etc as opposed to Cosmic forces which are more what we would define as astrality, collective unconscious, whispers from God and so on.
There is silica in the air around us and it forms most of the finest dust particles in the air.
This is all described in the material on Cosmic and Earthly nutrition streams. I will have to look up the details to be totally clear.
Glen A

I want to be able to point to the quartz rocks in my garden as earthly silica and then, since the silica in the air is derived from the upwelling silica from within the earth, isn't it too, earthly silica? Doesn't it become cosmic silica when it is taken up by a plant such as wheat, corn or bamboo shoots and ingested, digested, circulated in the blood until it becomes hardened and mineralized again such as in the hair or fingernails? Surely cosmic and earthly lime and silica switch back from one polarity to the other depending on how they are functioning. Or do they?
I can't deal with all these abstractions and never a concrete example. Very, very confusing indeed. Can you help clear up this muddle for me? I know we build muscles by breathing, so I thought that would be the cosmic lime function. But we stabilize and anchor our thinking with that good old mineralized lime in our bony heads, eh?
Hugh Lovel
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