> > 1) Can I launch the ntp-update after the boot when the network is ready? 
> > i.e. don't execute before the network-connection is established. I guess 
> I 
> > have to configure some init-scripts, but I guess at well they should 
> already 
> > be there (from Ubuntu?). Since I don't wanna reinvent the wheel, I am 
> > curious about some hints. For the Angstrom-distro I have already a 
> working 
> > config, but not for the Ubuntu. 
> ntpdate is installed by default, so if you have a network connection, 
> it'll eventually update on it's own.. 
I just checked and see, that most likely there is *problem* with static 
interface. I believe this is always up, although no connection to Internet 
is possible. But this I need to verify ...

> > 
> > 2) Trying to track down the place from where the time/date is taken in 
> case 
> > of network-failure I couldn't figure it out. The above mentioned place 
> > doesn't work, cause my date after launch is later then THAT 
> /etc/timestamp. 
> > So, it must be taken from somewhere else. Any hints? 
> > a) The reason for asking is that I am curious if there is already a 
> process 
> > running which writes the time on regular basis in that file. I didn't 
> find 
> > anything in the crontab and guess I have to do it by myself. Anyway, as 
> > mentioned above - I don't wanna reinvent the wheel and ask in advance - 
> just 
> > in case... 
> Nope, nothing that advance.  When i create the image i set 
> /etc/timestamp with the current time..  So for end users it'll be at a 
> most off by a few months, instead of 3 decades.. (in the ballpark) 
Uhu, I understand somehow that kind of motivation (was mentioned as well in 
the save_time.sh.).

I made a bash-file which writes the date to the /etc/timestamp file (which 
I saved under /opt/boot-scripts/save_time.sh)

/bin/date --utc "+%4Y%2m%2d%2H%2M" > /etc/timestamp

The reason for using a bash-file was that the crontab didn't execute the 
command directly. No real clue and I finally found a workaround. So, I 
added in the crontab

27 * * * * /opt/boot-scripts/save_time.sh

and now it writes the timestamp properly every hour. Perhaps the 
file-location is a mess but...

Perhaps this *workaround* could be added? What do you think?


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