Op woensdag 13 november 2013 19:05:45 UTC+1 schreef RobertCNelson:
> > Ok, I have the cursor now. But graphical response is extremely slow. Any 
> > solution for that ? 
> Turns out it's only running at 600Mhz right now, I just pushed a patch 
> to fix it, and re-enable the 800Mhz/1Ghz options.. 
> https://github.com/RobertCNelson/armv7-multiplatform/commit/4f4725a83ad17ad11ec024a739f11ecd6a9cd597
> a fixed kernel should hit the repos later today.. 

Thanks. I guess I will wait for the repo update. BTW, probably not of your 
doing, but the fvwm desktop stays black. I can get the exit menu, but 
that's all.



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