On Thursday, March 13, 2014 2:33:59 PM UTC-6, RobertCNelson wrote:
> So then, here's a question for you. Where do you want to see those 
> type of faq's listed? 
> I can pretty much dump them anywhere, but the hard question is where... 

I don't know where they should be stored, but there should definitely be 
links on the beagleboard.org main page. It seems to me that if Debian is 
going to replace Angstrom, then a link to the Debian release images and 
FAQs should be put there. Eventually, the Angstrom info could be 
deprecated, or rather archived and its visibility reduced.

It seems to me that there are currently too many places to go to get the 
various linux distributions and kernels, and none of them seem to be 
officially sanctioned as the "standard" release. This leads to unnecessary 
confusion for new users. Some info on beagleboard.org, some info at 
circuitco.com, some info at elinux.org, some info at armhf.com, etc., not 
to mention all the other stuff at ti.com.

The official wiki 
at http://www.elinux.org/Beagleboard:BeagleBoneBlack#Software_Resources 
doesn't even mention this Debian releases (and it should if you want people 
to test it). The community wiki 
at http://elinux.org/BeagleBone_Community#Debian does list a Debian 
release, but it is a different, and incompatible, arm EABI version from 
this new armhf release.

I appreciate all the hard work that people have done to prepare all this 
information, but it's a little like the wild west when you first start 
looking around. 

Dennis Cote

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