Hello Who Ever You Are!

Thank you (and you know who you are) for adding the Logibone package into 
the 3.8 development source. I know that there will be many happy people at 
the end of May (or sooner for some!).

I also compared the 3.8 and 3.14 branches and there really is a significant 
difference between them. As mentioned one big area is the cape support. The 
cape manager vs statically loaded capes if I understand this correctly is 
one big area. So I'm going to go out on a limb and say that if you have the 
dts files, drivers and support files/functions for your capes you could add 
them statically if you wish. Am I about right?

Another question about the LCD7 cape if I may. Is the expansion header 
available for use? For one case I would like to use the Logibone there.

Thanks Again, I appreciate your help!


On Tuesday, May 20, 2014 10:46:39 AM UTC-7, mac...@msn.com wrote:
> Hi Robert,
> I've been running Debian v3.8 for a while along with an LCD7 cape and 
> decided to build/try 3.14.1-bone2. Everything is going well except for my 
> LCD7 cape.
> It isn't getting installed at boot/kernel start. I understand there is a 
> patch for U-boot but I'm not sure about any USB side effects associated 
> with the patch. I don't want to break something that is currently working.
> Will the LCD7 be supported in 3.14?
> I've also got Logibones on order and they mentioned that they have 
> recently added software to the BBB repository and didn't mention any 
> details. Do you happen to know if they are supported in Debian and if so 
> what branch?
> Regards,
> Mike

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