I downloaded the image from here a couple days ago:
md5: c848627722b7a5f7bc89791cc8949e3b
File name:

It's not doing the cylon scan.  :-) I love that show by the way. 

According to the reference manual I am getting a heart beat and an activity 
indicator after only a couple minutes just like you do after a normal boot. 
>From the reference manual:
Page 26:
 USER0 is the heartbeat indicator from the Linux kernel.
 USER1 turns on when the microSD card is being accessed
 USER2 is an activity indicator. It turns on when the kernel is not in the 
idle loop.
 USER3 turns on when the onboard eMMC is being accessed. I'm relatively 

USER0 is flashing a double flash every second or so.  USER2 is filckering. 
This occurs just a couple minutes after I release the boot button.

Based on this and the fact that I get into Cloud 9 at this point and get 
2015-03-01 version when I check, I am relatively certain its booting from 
the card, but not flashing.

Thanks for the help.

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