I just thought I'd toss this out there though.

Over the last 2-3 months I've been working on a project that Involves
socketCAN, and forming NEMA 2000 fastpackets from socketCAN frames in real
time. Then pushing the data in the form of JSON out a webserver ( web
sockets ), in real time as well.

So up until last night I was working on all this in a quad core 4 GB RAM
virtual machine( virtualbox ).  canplayer was eating up around 58% CPU on a
single core, while my two processes were taking around 8% between the two.
quad cores - 3Ghz.

Imagine my surprise last night that canplayer only uses 2% CPU, and the two
processes I'm working on use 0% - In fact, the webserver only shows up in
atop about half the time- heh.

My point is: The beaglebone may not have but 1/3 the CPU frequency, and a
LOT less memory. It may also do some things such as compile large projects
slower, or even sometimes a lot slower. But do not let it fool you. It is
still a beast.

On Wed, Aug 5, 2015 at 1:55 PM, William Hermans <yyrk...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Hello again Lenny,
> Yeah I have not looked into uboot very deeply. But it does have at least
> some Ethernet, USB, and Serial functionality. I say "some" because I'm not
> sure how extensive it is. For example with the builtin ethernet stuff, you
> can boot over TFTP and NFS, but beyond that . . . not sure what can be done
> with it. Also I'm pretty sure there is some I2C functionality built in too.
> NO personal hands on with it though . . .
> Anyway, yeah, I'd listen to Charles, and Robert, as they've probably both
> had their hands into the lower level stuff more than I have. I was just
> tossing some things out there for you to read on when and if you got the
> time . . . As I was kind of in the same boat you are in - But a couple
> years ago. I was also thinking maybe super low level baremetal, but decided
> a good long while ago that it was not really worth it for me. PRU's ? Sure,
> but baremetal Sitara  . . .Yeah not for me hehe
> On Wed, Aug 5, 2015 at 1:12 PM, Lenny <leonhard.neuh...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> Thanks for your post William,
>> the idea to start an executable from uboot sounds very close to what I
>> want i guess. My question here would be which document is equivalent to the
>> PruReferenceGuide, such that I can find out how to talk to the various
>> hardware pieces such as memory and inputs/outputs and the NEON core etc.,
>> and which compiler I would have to use (in the best case a C compiler with
>> inline assembler support). And if available, a library with some useful
>> functions such as a accessing serial port (USB) and maybe even Ethernet
>> (though i guess that would require interrupts and all sorts of other
>> overhead) would be just perfect!
>> But actually I have just now looked into starterware (
>> http://processors.wiki.ti.com/index.php/StarterWare_02.00.01.01_User_Guide#Serial_Peripherals),
>> and it really looks amazingly close to what I had in mind. There are lots
>> of examples and I guess i'll start testing some of them.
>> @Charles: Thanks for the warning :) Im still still a noob when it comes
>> to processor architecture. The application I have in mind (FIR filter) is
>> computationally intensive, but does not need a huge data throughput (few
>> MSps would be enough, which I know I can delegate to the PRU if necessary).
>> I found the idea of using the main processor appealing as I read somewhere
>> about its SIMD capability (doing 16 or 32 multiplications and accumulates
>> simultaneously, which would theoretically allow something like 16-32Gflops,
>> right?), and floating point arithmetics.
>> So if you confirm that all those advantages are lost somewhere in the
>> communication between core and dedicated modules, that would be a pity but
>> indeed save me a lot of time :)
>> And for curiosity/ease of later implementation/number of available
>> input-output ports: What delay and number of necessary instructions can I
>> expect for exchanging one or multiple bits between the main processor and a
>> GPIO port? More than 10 cycles?
>> Thanks so much for your suggestins and help!
>> --
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