
I am using a Skywire LE910-SVG cellular modem   
<http://nimbelink.com/skywire-cellular-modem-lte/>with a BBB.

I have writting chatscripts and PPP/peers provider scripts that are working 
well.  If I let the BBB boot up normally I can ssh to the device and 'pon 
verizon' to establish a ppp connection manully.  Everything works great.

The issue I am trying to resolve is automating this on boot.  What is the 
best way to do this?

Tried adding it to /etc/network/interfaces with:

auto verizon
iface verizon inet ppp0
      provider verizon

Does not seam to do anything.

Have also tried to running a simple bash script to do this after the BBB 

pon verizon

When I execute the script I can see everything connect but I it immediately 
terminates the connection as I can see in the output with Hangup (SIGHUP)

 pppd[1846]: PAP authentication succeeded
 pppd[1846]: Could not determine remote IP address: defaulting to
 pppd[1846]: local  IP address
 pppd[1846]: remote IP address
 pppd[1846]: primary   DNS address
 pppd[1846]: secondary DNS address
 pppd[1860]: *Hangup (SIGHUP)*
 pppd[1860]: Modem hangup
 pppd[1860]: Connect time 0.0 minutes.
 pppd[1860]: Sent 0 bytes, received 0 bytes.
 pppd[1860]: Connection terminated.

Any solutions out there?

Kind Regards,


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