I'm hardly a bonescript expert, only using it to help a friend get started 
with a Beaglebone, but I don't seem to see any bonescript functions that 
use a UART.  Is there support for UARTs in the node-js that bonescript is 
built on?  (won't bet the farm that I've got the software layering correct).

I've pretty much confined myself to what is documented about bonescript at: 

After a bit of Googling, the bonescript GitHub: 
https://github.com/jadonk/bonescript  suggests that bonescript inherits the 
serial port stuff from: https://github.com/voodootikigod/node-serialport  
which I think means a lot of pieces are in play that need to all be the 
"right versions".   Precisely the type of thing I'm trying to shield my 
newbie friend from.  He hasn't alluded to any need of a UART interface yet, 
but I'm curious about how all this stuff works together.

I've just started playing with 2016-03-27 and find its bonescript is much 
improved over what has come before.  So far I've tested analogRead/Write 
and digitalWrite/Read and attachInterrupt without spurious error messages, 
the only minor issue so far is the default pin used for analogRead() in one 
of the examples seems not to be available on my BBG, but changing it to 
P9_39 solved it. 

node -pe "require('bonescript').getPlatform().bonescript"

returns: 0.5.0-beta-3  on my 2016-03-27 system.

I get the same error on my 2016-03-27 system as you did when I run your 
serial port script, so the newest testing image doesn't seem to be a 
solution.  It is kernel 4.1.18-ti-r55

On Thursday, March 31, 2016 at 6:18:00 AM UTC-5, dorica wrote:

> Actually, the "config-pin P9.24 uart" doesn't work for me. It needs sudo 
> to do the work. It fooled me the first time because I used it just after a 
> sudo "something" command. I noticed that when I put it in a script and run 
> it.
> Still, this isn't such a big isuue right now, since I can do it wit 
> BB-UART1. The big question is why can't I use UART1 in bonescript.
> Thank you

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