I'm exactly the same in experience .  If you wrote an app for bare metal you 
would have the advantage of understanding every thing below it with your 
background . Writing a Linux app for myself that access the lowest level 
without understanding the underlying complexity is something I'm unwilling to 
do. If your just writing a Linux app you probably less apt to experience pain 
using a make file.  You didn't mention why an IDE  ?

Sent from Yahoo Mail on Android 
  On Mon, Apr 4, 2016 at 5:45 PM, Rob van Schelven<i...@sentics.nl> wrote:   
Thanks John, i will :) I am bare metal embbeded developer for 30+ years but 
getting started with (embedded) linux is not really self explaining ;)

Op maandag 4 april 2016 21:40:46 UTC+2 schreef Rob van Schelven:
Hi all,
Does someone know if there is any information available to setup a development 
environment (IDE) running under MS Windows or Ubuntu (in virtual machine under 
windows) to develop C/C++ code for the BBB

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