Thanks for that.

Indeed, updating the uEnv.txt file (using nano) WITHIN the //boot/uboot/ 
folder ON the uSD card worked a treat (needed (obviously) USB-network 
access to achieve this) !
Cylon-style lights etc... followed by a reboot all good !
Wow, was I pleased !!

However, the sting, is that the BBB no longer presents itself to the 
network over USB. I tried pretty much everything to do with keyhosts, 
renewing DHCP leases etc... etc... nada... nothing... the BBB simply isn't 
there anymore... It powers up OK, all looks to be OK form the flasher Usr 
LEDs but... nothing...
I never thought BBB development was going to be easy BUT, a couple of weeks 
(probably months on and off) into it and I'm still not doing anything apart 
from trying to log into the damn thing or flash it's Distro.... Arrrggghhh 
! I do, however, console myself (but it's wearing a little thin now) by 
remembering how hard it was to 'get going' with embedded processors at the 
very beginning - now they're like old friends whilst the BBB seems intent 
on keeping me at arms length !!

So, how do I re-connect to a naughty / really peeved BBB ?
I'm happy to go Ethernet cable - no probs - but how ? I have an ethernet HP 
laser printer here in my office (years old, but faithful) so disconnected 
the RJ45 from its bottom and connected it to the BBB. Powered up the BBB 
(external power supply, not USB) but still nothing seems to be making 
itself available to the network... As I understand it, if it can 'see; the 
network, it should at least be saying something like, 'Howdy, would someone 
like to assign me an IP address please ?' and, if not getting one, then 
assign itself a self-assigned 169.254.x.x number. At least I should then be 
able to see the BBB if not properly communicate with it ! But in my case 
Looking at my router's assigned IP addresses etc. does not show up anything 
like a BBB or 'unknown' device, just verifiable devices (tablet, phone, 
laptop and work station). Turning each one off / on simply verifies it's 
connection in the router's connected devices list... No 'odd' connections / 

So, I guess, seeing as how the BBB no longer wants to talk over USB (to be 
fair, with all the messing about, this could be the BBB or the device 
drivers but re-installing the drivers (on two computers) hasn't helped any) 
so in the interests of maintaining my sanity, I think I have to declare a 
retreat, regroup and investigate the two options remaining open to me :
-1- connect via Ethernet cable (c/w external power supply to the BBB). Is 
this possible ? Are there any hints, tips or pointers for me here please ?
-2- (my preferred option, simply because I don't have to mess about with 
networks) modify the uEnv.txt file directly on the uSD card from my 
computer (not the BBB - no connection !) and re-flash. Is this possible ? 
Are there any hints, tips or pointers for me here please ?

Apologies for this going on so long ! And, thanks for the help so far - 
it's much appreciated.

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