Hello Again Sir,

Mr. Dennis...Seth here again. I also tried PWM as an output to the L298 
Board. I listed some software below in case you wanted to view it. Oh and I 
tried w/ the while loop hashed out (#) and w/ it as it is now. Well, here 
it is:


import Adafruit_BBIO.PWM as PWM
#import time

MotorOne = "P9_21"
MotorTwo = "P9_22"

PWM.start(MotorOne, 50, 20, 0)
PWM.start(MotorOne, 50, 20, 0)

while True:
    taco = (MotorOne, 1)
    bien = (MotorTwo, 1)
    print "I love Lucy!"

#for i in range(1, 30):
    #taco = (MotorOne, 30)
    #bien = (MotorTwo, 30)
    #print "I think Lucy is a cheat!"

#for i in range(1, 54):
    #taco = (MotorOne, 30, -1)
    #bien = (MotorTwo, 30, -1)
    #print "She probably is a cheat!"


So, you see. I cannot make PWM work or GPIO work on this board. I know it 
is me. It cannot be a faulty board. I push the power button after applying 
power, 12v 1.3Ah, and the LED stays lit. 


P.S. I understood what you typed in your last e-mail post in this forum on 
this subject. I was not expecting any certain outcome. I was testing 
software w/ this motor driver to see if things would just make the motors 
turn. It is that simple. Now, if the motors did turn and the recorded 
effect was pleasing, I would not have to change anything. But, if the 
motors turned incorrectly for me, I would then investigate further what I 
could do w/ the software to change this fact. 

On Thursday, May 3, 2018 at 10:15:12 AM UTC-5, Dennis Lee Bieber wrote:
> On Wed, 2 May 2018 21:51:08 -0700 (PDT), Mala Dies 
> <fun...@gmail.com <javascript:>> declaimed the following: 
> >import Adafruit_BBIO.GPIO as GPIO 
> >import time 
> > 
> >GPIO.setup("P9_21", GPIO.OUT) 
> >GPIO.setup("P9_22", GPIO.OUT) 
> >GPIO.setup("P9_12", GPIO.OUT) 
> >GPIO.setup("P9_15", GPIO.OUT) 
> > 
> >m1a = GPIO.output("P9_21", GPIO.HIGH) 
> >m1a = GPIO.output("P9_22", GPIO.HIGH) 
>         Meaningless assignments... First, the return from the second line 
> replaces the value returned by the first line, since you used the same 
> name 
> for the return. 
>         On the other hand -- based upon the documentation for the library, 
> GPIO.output() doesn't return anything so you are just replacing None with 
> None. 
> >m1b = GPIO.output("P9_12", GPIO.HIGH) 
> >m1b = GPIO.output("P9_15", GPIO.HIGH) 
> > 
>         Ditto 
>         You've set all control pins high -- which should, for any motor 
> controller I can envision, mean the motors are not powered (BTW -- you did 
> wire the ENABLE A and B pins to something, didn't you? 
> >while (True): 
> > 
> >        try: 
> >                for motor in range (0, 101, 1): #starts at 0, steps up to 
> >101 in 1 steps 
> >                    m1a = ("P9_21") 
>         Here you assign a string to the name, but you never do anything 
> with 
> the string. So... again a meaningless assignment. 
> >                    time.sleep(3) 
> >                    print(motor) 
>         And you never do anything with the motor pin itself, so nothing 
> changes. 
>         This loop condenses down to just printing integers from 0..100 
> with a 3 
> second pause between them, and it does all of them before moving to the 
> next loop, which does the very same thing. 
> >                for motor in range (0, 101, 1): 
> >                    m1a = ("P9_22") 
> >                    time.sleep(3) 
> >                    print(motor) 
> >                for motor in range (100, -1, -1): 
> >                    m1b = ("P9_12") 
> >                    time.sleep(3) 
> >                    print(motor) 
> >                for motor in range (100, -1, -1): 
> >                    m1b = ("P9_15") 
> >                    time.sleep(3) 
> >                    print(motor) 
> > 
>         What behavior are you expecting since the above four loops are 
> coded to 
> run on after the other -- nothing is being done in parallel even if you 
> were changing motor pin settings. 
> >        except(KeyboardInterrupt): 
> > 
> >                #And final cleanup 
> >                print "You have just ended your camp trip!" 
> >                GPIO.cleanup() 
> >                quit() 
>         Your "final cleanup" will only be performed IF you hit <ctrl-c> 
> the loops run out. Otherwise, you just fall off the end of the program 
> with 
> no cleanup performed 
>         My suggestion -- since you are using Python... 
>         Open a shell and run Python in interactive mode, and then enter 
> statements one at a time setting pins to HIGH and LOW, in various 
> combinations, to see what it takes to activate the motors. 
>         And, just for a giggle (untested as I don't have your hardware 
> present) 
> -=-=-=-=- 
> """ 
>     Pseudo-code for fictitious robot-car with two driving wheels, using 
>     brushed DC motors; I do not have the driver board or motors so this 
>     is just text of what I believe would be needed 
>     NOTE: THIS IS PYTHON 2.7 SYNTAX; modify as needed for 3.x 
> """ 
> import time 
> import Adafruit_BBIO.GPIO as GPIO 
> class BrushedDC(object): 
>     def __init__(self, p1, p2): 
>         self.p1 = p1 
>         self.p2 = p2 
>         GPIO.setup(self.p1, GPIO.OUT) 
>         GPIO.setup(self.p2, GPIO.OUT) 
>         self.stop() 
>     def stop(self): 
>         GPIO.output(self.p1, GPIO.LOW) 
>         GPIO.output(self.p2, GPIO.LOW) 
>     def forward(self): 
>         self.stop()     #safety to avoid shock of reversals 
>         GPIO.output(self.p1, GPIO.HIGH) 
>         GPIO.output(self.p2, GPIO.LOW) 
>     def reverse(self): 
>         self.stop() 
>         GPIO.output(self.p1, GPIO.LOW) 
>         GPIO.output(self.p2, GPIO.HIGH) 
> class Car(object): 
>     def __init__(self, leftMotor, rightMotor): 
>         self.leftMotor = leftMotor 
>         self.rightMotor = rightMotor 
>         self.stop() 
>     def stop(self, wait=0): 
>         self.leftMotor.stop() 
>         self.rightMotor.stop() 
>         time.sleep(wait) 
>     def forward(self, wait=0): 
>         self.leftMotor.forward() 
>         self.rightMotor.forward() 
>         time.sleep(wait) 
>     def reverse(self, wait=0): 
>         self.leftMotor.reverse() 
>         self.rightMotor.reverse() 
>         time.sleep(wait) 
>     def leftTurnForward(self, wait=0): 
>         self.leftMotor.stop() 
>         self.rightMotor.forward() 
>         time.sleep(wait) 
>     def rightTurnForward(self, wait=0): 
>         self.leftMotor.forward() 
>         self.rightMotor.stop() 
>         time.sleep(wait) 
>     def leftTurnReverse(self, wait=0): 
>         self.leftMotor.stop() 
>         self.rightMotor.reverse() 
>         time.sleep(wait) 
>     def rightTurnReverse(self, wait=0): 
>         self.leftMotor.reverse() 
>         self.rightMotor.stop() 
>         time.sleep(wait) 
>     def leftPivot(self, wait=0): 
>         self.leftMotor.reverse() 
>         self.rightMotor.forward() 
>         time.sleep(wait) 
>     def rightPivot(self, wait=0): 
>         self.leftMotor.forward() 
>         self.rightMotor.reverse() 
>         time.sleep(wait) 
> myCar = Car(leftMotor=BrushedDC(p1="P9_21", p2="P9_22"), 
>             rightMotor=BrushedDC(p1="P9_12", p2="P9_15")) 
> myCar.forward(10) 
> myCar.leftPivot(3) 
> myCar.forward(5) 
> myCar.rightTurnReverse(3) 
> myCar.reverse(10) 
> myCar.stop(10) 
> myCar.rightPivot(30) 
> myCar.forward(5) 
> myCar.rightTurnForward(15) 
> myCar.stop() 
> GPIO.cleanup() 
> -=-=-=-=-=- 
> -- 
>         Wulfraed                 Dennis Lee Bieber         AF6VN 
>         wlf...@ix.netcom.com <javascript:>    
> HTTP://wlfraed.home.netcom.com/ 

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