On 09.06.20 12:18, m...@schulzd.me wrote:
I tried a 12V 5A switch mode power supply - still no dice.

Be careful, the BBB takes 5V not 12V.

I even flashed it using this PSU, switched to USB to add WiFi credentials, and then put it back to 12V and SSH'd in via WiFi. Still has the same issue with read-only.

I really think it must be a hardware problem, I might go have a look at the board gerbers/cad files and see if I can spot anything, perhaps it could be something as benign as the eMMC/Wifi chips having being on the same power plane (most likely I assume?), and when WiFi requires more current during a transmission, it's unable to source enough, which could cause voltage to drop or not enough current supplied to eMMC, which then causes the error? This would be why adding a beefier PSU would help I guess - but if for some reason the traces are really thin or something, or not enough vias or not not enough shielding... who knows :-)

I guess the absolute very last thing you could try, would be clearing the eMMC and re-writing bootloader and everything from scratch - but what's the point? This issue *ALSO* happens when I'm booted to the SD card - so to me that seems like it's something with the WiFI chip causing havoc in other parts of the board (maybe RAM/CPU ??)

Thanks for the help anyway guys!

Strange, I've poked one BBB Wireless a few years ago and I don't recall such issues.

I vaguely recall the eMMC flaking out on regular BBB-s when I powered them from a bad power supply and supplied a full 3G GSM modem directly from its USB (which was simply a bad idea and far exceeded the specs of the USB supply on BBB).


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